Chapter Fifteen - Explanations & Decisions

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Chapter Fifteen

Explanations & Decisions

I was unfortunately stuck in Aunt Alice's room as we waited for Grandpaw to come home from the hospital.

As soon as we heard him nearing the house we all gathered in his study to wait for him and Daddy to join us.

Uncle Emmet kept fidgeting more than I was and Aunt Rosalie kept asking Aunt Alice what was going on. Usually it was Uncle Emmet asking.

Grandpaw entered the house from the kitchen and joined us. Daddy excused his self from Mommy and Renee to join us too. I was just happy to finally be included in something this big but the happiness was burdened by the sadness of the issue.

"Carlisle," Daddy nodded to him and Grandpaw nodded back, telling him to go ahead.

"We have just learned that Renee is dying. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer and from what Renesmee has learned she will be gone a lot sooner than the doctors have anticipated. Bella has asked me to ask you all to tell her about us and to ask her if she would like to join."

Everyone's, but Uncle Emmet's, thoughts were full of sympathy. Uncle Emmet liked Renee so he didn't mind either way.

Everyone nodded once they realized Daddy was looking at them and waiting for their answer.

Grandmaw was the first to answer as she held on to Grandpaw's arm, "Of course Edward. We would love for her to join us."

"What if she says no?" Aunt Rosalie asked a little harsh but it was only out of concern for our family.

"She only has a little while to live so our secret will die with her," Daddy said as soft as he could. I heard how he didn't want to sound cruel or angry at Rosalie.

I finally decided to speak up. "She has three months to live," I said.

I heard Mommy gasp and then inhale a very large breath of air after she heard me.

"How do you know Renesmee?" Grandpaw asked me.

I shrugged, "Because Ayah came to me and told me. I can show you all." I held up my hand and everyone joined in a circle.

I didn't start yet because I then heard Mommy tell Renee that she had to use the restroom so she could come up to watch too.

So as Renee sat alone downstairs in the living room, Mommy joined us. She looked to me, not angry, but still very upset that I didn't tell her anything.

"Renesmee," was all she spoke to me.

I took a deep breath then because her demeanor frightened me. I didn't like Mommy being upset with me and felt really bad about it all now.

After Mommy took Daddy's and my hand I showed them everything Ayah told me.

Mommy was very sad now and sobbed dryly into Daddy's shoulder. They both waited a minute to get a final confirmation from the family then together went down stairs to explain to Renee and ask her if she wanted to live forever.

Uncle Emmet was the first to speak his thought on the matter, "What is she going to tell her husband?"

"I am sure Bella, Edward and Renee will decide something," Grandpaw informed him.

I went with Aunt Alice and Uncle Jasper back to their room while everyone else went to theirs as we all listened to the conversation down stairs and waited to join them. I waited, excitedly and impatiently, to finally be introduced for the first time to my Grandmother Renee. I sat as still as I could as Mommy began.

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