"I hate you, Iwaizumi Hajime."

Start from the beginning

"Iwa-Chan, there you go again being my mom," his voice was light and the corner of his lips twitched with a threat of a smile at the sight of Hajime rolling his eyes.

"Call me if you need me and I mean it, but if you call me at three in the morning complaining of being lonely or that you're afraid of the dark because you stayed up watching your stupid sci-fi movies I will drive straight to Tokyo and I will kill you."

Oikawa noticed the softness in Hajime's threat, a bubble of laughter leaving his lips before nodding his head, "Understood Captain."

Hajime scoffed, pulling him in once more for another embrace, the force behind it forcing the breath out of Oikawa's lungs.

"Don't make me worry shitty-kawa, I want to be able to study." Hajime's words were a whisper against his neck, and the warm breath that tickled his skin led Oikawa to shut his eyes.

He allowed himself to indulge in the moment and count to ten to keep his heart from exploding from his chest.

In all the years that Oikawa had been friends with the other male, he could never understand the flutter in his chest whenever Hajime was near.

Jealousy blinded him if anyone ever looked at Iwaizumi as more than just a friend, and he remembered acting passive-aggressive about any confessions Hajime got from girls at their school despite dating many himself.

He had always felt a bit selfish for acting that way.

Growing up, thoughts like that never pestered him. It was getting into middle school that had changed the entire situation, even if he tried convincing himself that he was just afraid of being replaced.

Hajime was his best friend, he would remind himself and Oikawa just didn't want to become second string to some random girl.

Finally, in their third year, Oikawa allowed himself to admit that it was deeper than that.

He pushed those thoughts away once again as Hajime stepped out of their second embrace that day.

At this rate, Oikawa would be lucky if he didn't combust by a mere high five from the other.

"When does your train leave?" Hajime asked, the question caught Oikawa off guard, which left him to meet Iwaizumi's gaze with a blank expression until the words registered.

"Oh! My train! It leaves at noon," laughing at himself as he ran a hand through his soft chocolate hair.

Hajime glanced at the leather banded watch that occupied his russet wrist, it had been a gift from Oikawa.

"Shit! Tooru you have to go now! You're going to miss your damn train, you idiot!"

Tooru frowned at his friend's exclamation and checked his phone confirming that his train would be leaving in half an hour.

Oikawa scrambled for his backpack since the rest of his belongings were already back in his empty dorm in Tokyo.

Heading towards the door, the light steps of the other confirmed that Hajime was following right behind to walk him out.

The crowded hall that housed Iwaizumi's form was filled with even more bodies than it was this morning. He turned to face Hajime, who stood between the wooden door panels. Oikawa offered up a small smile, holding his breath so he wouldn't cry.

"See you soon then," he said, turning quickly to escape the other students and Hajimes heavy gaze.

He would wait to cry once he was out of the building, he had cried enough in front of the other today.

"Let me know when you arrive," Hajime called after him, and looking over his shoulder Tooru allowed himself to take in the sight of the other leaning against his open door, broad russet arms crossed over their old practice t-shirt.

"I hate you, Iwaizumi Hajime."Where stories live. Discover now