"I hate you, Iwaizumi Hajime."

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Iwaizumi's POV:

"I hate Iwaizumi Hajime."

Those were the last words he said after overhearing him with Sugawara. I wish I could reverse what I've done. Too late to go back now. He moved on and fell in love with Sugawara Koushi. I shouldn't have been with Kiyoko..



"Oi shittykawa you can let go now."

Hajime's voice was gruff and Oikawa could sense the other was holding back his own emotions. Tooru had spent the majority of the day wiping roughly at the tears that stained his cheeks, attempting to keep his messy sniffling to a minimum with every box the two of them had brought up into the small dorm that would belong to Hajime.

Now, his arms were wrapped around the raven-haired male. Despite Oikawa being taller than Hajime, the other made up for it in bulkiness. Strong biceps returned his embrace until Oikawa, not trusting his voice, for once didn't make a snide remark nor whine at the other's words.

Arms falling to his side as he stepped away, turning his head away, chin angled up as he attempted to blink back the blurriness of tears.

"It's not forever Tooru, We'll meet back up at your place in a month yeah?"

Oikawa recalled their promise to another, every month he would travel back home from Tokyo for a weekend, they would visit the guys back at Aobajohsai and catch up on all the extraterrestrial documentaries he would find to share with Iwaizumi.

Oikawa watched as Hajime studied his face with a look of mild concern, his firm lips remaining fixed in a straight line.

If Tooru didn't know Hajime well enough, he would have gotten the impression that the other was simply being polite and couldn't wait to escape his company.

That was the catch though, he knew Hajime, more than he even knew himself. Oikawa noted that the other was battling the same feelings as him, even if he was much better at controlling it.

This would be the first year they would live away from each other. They would not wake up before daybreak for a light jog before morning practice, nor take the same route from evening practice where Iwaizumi would make sure that Oikawa got home and didn't stay behind drilling plays into his brain.

Hajime would be staying in their hometown and going to university there, while Oikawa followed his scholarship to play volleyball at the UNI in Tokyo.

When he had been told about the offer, Tooru was overwhelmed with excitement, until Iwaizumi admitted that he didn't have the same dreams anymore.

Hajime told him he loved Volleyball but his career ended in his third year, Oikawa was a different story.

Iwaizumi nearly beat him into accepting his scholarship, emphasizing that Oikawa was an incredible player and he would be lost without playing.

Despite being able to chase his dreams, Oikawa couldn't thwart the constant ache in his chest whenever he thought of Hajime being hours and miles away from him.

He didn't know how he was going to manage even stepping into a class without expecting Iwaizumi there, ready to reprimand him for being late or even smacking him in the back of the head when he chatted too long instead of paying attention to the lecture.

"Earth to Oikawa, hello? You better not overwork yourself staying up late watching volleyball clips or practicing after hours, your knee is healed but it isn't invincible don't screw up this opportunity by being an idiot," Hajimes words pulled him out of his cloud of doom.

"I hate you, Iwaizumi Hajime."Where stories live. Discover now