Movin' out

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"Hey, guys, in spite of the complete lack of representation at the Career Fair, I know that a lot of you are thinking about a career in the arts." Mr. Schue said, as he walked into the choir room that afternoon to start a new class. "Well, it's no secret that Sue Sylvester doesn't believe that an artistic career is a very practical idea. And, for once, I have to admit she's right. It's completely impractical. You know, anyone pursuing the arts needs to go in with their eyes wide open. We're talking zero job security and impossible odds. But... I've always believed that you have to pursue what you love. And that's why this week's assignment is about a goofy-looking kid who struggled for years in the music business."

"Finally." Kitty cheered quietly to herself. "It's Marilyn Manson Week."

"Close." Mr. Schue said, as he wrote the name in the board before reading it out for the class. "Billy Joel."

"Who?" Unique asked, confused.

"Oh, just a musical genius who's sold over million records worldwide." Artie responded sarcastically, apparently appalled by the fact that Unique didn't know who Billy Joel was.

"That's right." Mr. Schue said. "Billy had to fight every step of the way in his career. He had countless failures and disappointments: writing songs that nobody wanted, playing piano in seedy bars just to pay the rent, being told he'd never make it because he didn't look right."

"Translation: too Jewish." Jake tried to joke, only to flinch a little at the glares both Marley and Winnie sent his way, knowing full well the two of them were very - very - pissed off at him still.

"But he ignored the haters and he kept pursuing his dream, becoming the third best-selling solo artist of all time." Mr. Schue cont I mean, he is a true inspiration to anyone pursuing a career in the arts, like our very own. Mr. Blaine Anderson, Mr. Sam Evans and, possibly, Ms. Winnie Archer."

At that, the whole class cheered and clapped for them as the three mentioned kids smiled at them.

"All right, as some of you may or may not know, this week is my big NYADA audition." Blaine started, talking fast, all excited for his audition. "I know. It's terrifying. So I'm leaving today to maybe get some last-minute tips from Kurt and Rachel."

"I'm going with him because I have an interview with the theater department at Hunter College." Sam smiled, all proud of himself as well, causing Winnie to smile, happy to see him so excited over a possible college entry for him. "They saw and they loved my Tornado of Talent impressions reel. And I'm up for this awesome scholarship, the Channing Tatum Former Male Stripper Grant."

"Well, I'm going because... I need safety schools." Winnie admitted quietly, looking down at her lap as Sam turned to look at her and sent her a small, encouraging smile. "The schools I wanted to go to still didn't reach out to me, so I... I need a plan B."

"Well..." Blaine started. "We spoke to Mr. Schue and, because we have to miss this week's lesson, he thought the least we could do is maybe..."

"Kick it off with our very own take on a classic BJ." Sam smiled, causing everyone to stop for a second and turn to look at him, confused. "Billy... Billy Joel."

Laughing quietly, Winnie rolled her eyes, but turned to look at the band with a smile so they could start playing Movin' out for them as they had agreed.

"Hit it."


New York was actually quite impressive and Winnie had enjoyed her time there with the boys more than she thought she would. The three of them had spent the whole day walking around the city, visiting a few sites and, also, visiting as much colleges as they could. So, of course, by dinner time, they were very tired. Fortunately for them, at the time, Kurt, Rachel and Santana were working at the Spotlight Diner and so, they could eat a cheap, actually quite nice dinner with their friends around.

Back-Up Plan - Book 3 - S.E.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum