Making Up

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"Can I ask you something?" Kara asked as she served her and Ben their dinners. The twins were long since asleep finally and now it was just them two. Kara hoped that they would stay that way through the rest of the night. She had sexy plans with Ben and this time they would not get interrupted so help her god!

"Of course you can." He said, basically reassuring her that no question was off limits when it came to them. He was working on being more open with her and she was with him, too. They were outside on the patio enjoying the fresh air. For once since going outside, they didn't have to wear masks and to be perfectly honest, Kara was getting sick of it.

"I was just wondering.." Kara began as she cut into her chicken marsala, "If you're missing acting right now. I feel like a few days ago, I never asked about you and just talked about what I was going through."

"No need to apologize. You needed to and to be honest, I was worried. I thought you might call for a divorce."

"I hadn't really thought that far ahead." She said honestly, not sure of what she was going to do about that. She took a bite of the chicken "I'm seeing a therapist."

Ben looked at her surprised after taking a bite of the veggies after the chicken. "Really?"

"Yeah. I think it helped me open up to you and I'm going to be talking to her again."

Ben nodded his head. "I think that's great. If it's helping whatever your going through, great." 

Kara smiled, Ben truly was one of the best husbands in the world. He had no judgements one anything she needed to do for herself. Didn't call her crazy, just got it without pushing his way in. "Thank you, Ben." She leaned in and kissed him when he finished his bite. They kissed some more and then continued to eat their dinner.

"And to another your question," Ben began, "I do miss it. It's not easy to be away from it right now. I love acting and I love making movies, it's just hard to be away from it. But I'm happy to be home with you guys."

Kara smiled, "Yeah I get it. I love watching you do what you do. If you ever just want a scene partner for fun, I'm here." 

Ben got a cheeky idea "Why don't we roleplay something after dinner." He smirked.

Kara smirked back, "What did you have in mind?"

"Well... how do you feel about a little rough play and punishment?"

"Sounds like fun." Kara agreed to this. They finished their dinner, and put everything in the dish washer and preceeded to the bedroom. Kara turned to Ben. "Give me a second to freshen up." She grabbed some langerie from a near by dresser drawer and waggled her eyebrows at Ben. 

He smiled slyly and then got undressed. She came out in a red lacy bra and red thong and black fish net stockings. Ben suddenly got really hard just looking at her. "Wow.." He said barely even getting that out. Kara walked over to him and kissed him and they felt to the bed. Ben got on top of Kara, kissing her down her neck and all over. She moaned over his kisses. He slowly began to unsnap this claps on the stockings and  he pulled down her underwear and started to finger her. She moaned as he started to hit her sweet spot.  

After a few rubs, he took all of her underwear off and let it fall to the ground and now he had access to what he wanted. He kissed her pussy and started to run his tongue inside of her. He licked her walls and moved his tongue to the bottom of her, swirling it around. Then he went up and swirled it when he was in the middle. Kara moaned "Oh, god!" Ben made his way to the top and swirled it in her sweet spot and stayed there for a while. Kara's orgasm came at her like a title wave. "Ben!" She said, but then cut herself off to not wake the babies. Ben let her come off her high.

Ben  looked into her beautiful Brown eyes. "Are you ready for me darling?" 

Kara smirked. "Always."  

Ben flipped her over and he ran his hands over her ass. He lifted on hand and smacked it. Kara moan. "Oh, you like that, don't you?" He whispered to her and smacked her ass again. This made her wet again. "What else do you like you bad, bad girl." 

"Do it again." She commanded. "Then take me." 

Ben smacked her ass once again and then he rode her she moaned when he hit that sweet spot inside her. "pull my hair and rub my clit." She told him, He do and rubbed circles inside of her and thrusted harder in her ass. This is not something she ever did with any man. She did do it once with Holly but that was with a strap on and even then, it wasn't as fun as this. 

"Harder." She said and Ben obliged. She moaned as he went harder and he did as well when she pushed back as he thrusted. "Kara!" He called out. Soon they both came together and Ben collapsed on the bed. Soon as he caught his breath, he went to clean himself off and so did Kara, they both got back in bed. "That was amazing, Kara said.

"It was." Ben agreed and wrapped his arms around her. "I missed you, you know." 

Kara nodded. "Yeah, me too."

"Can we just agree from now on. We just talk to each other if there's ever another problem because I don't like being this close to you and being so far away."

"I didn't like it either and we won't. I just have been so scared this whole time and I thought I'd lose you to someone else."

"I promise you that'll never happen. I've never loved or been attracted to anyone like the way I am with you. You may come off as a proper lady, and are kind and caring but lady, you have a freaky edge sometimes and I love it. If you want to go for another round, I'm down to show you how much I am only attracted to you."

"You already showed me that." She informed Ben. "But I'm open to round two and maybe three, but this time, I want a ride." She kissed him passionately and he got hard with her kisses. She rocked against him and then got on top and rode him like a horse. Ben called on her name and held her close. They both came together and cuddled.  Knowing that they were finally back.

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