8- rain

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6 months later- 11th August 2010- New York.

Considering it was the middle of summer, you would expect the weather to be warm, or at least dry. But this summer, all New York had experienced was rain. Almost everyday for the last 2 weeks, there had been at least a few minutes of rain. Not many people liked to go out in weather like this, but for the Romanoffs, life couldn't get any better.

The back door was open behind Nat as she lifted her daughter into her arms and into the back garden. It wasn't particularly cold out, just really wet. With help from Clint, Nat had built a like shelter sort of thing over part of the back garden so the two Russians could sit out in the rain and not get wet. Natasha had taken the old couch and put it out there when she got a new one and bought some nice pillows and plants to put out there and make it look nicer.

Y/N situated herself on her mother's lap as the rain continued to poor down. Her jumper sleeves going way past her fingers, maybe because it was her mother's jumper, and her long red hair pulled back into a loose ponytail.

For these girls, rain was the most calming thing in the world. Neither of them could give you a particular reason why, but it did. Both girls preferred this type of weather, especially to the sun. They had an excuse to sit around and do nothing all day, just enjoy each other's company.

"Y/N...Ты знаешь, что я люблю тебя, верно?" (you know I love you right?) Natasha whispered as her daughter began playing with the many rings on her hand. "И мне жаль, что вы не получили лучший старт в жизни." (and I'm sorry you didn't get the best start at life) she continued, feeling tears prick behind her eyes.

"Это нормально, мама. Это была не ваша вина. У вас не было выбора." (its ok mommy. It wasn't your fault. You didn't have a choice) Y/N replied, hugging her mom tightly.

"Я просто хочу, чтобы вы знали, что я сделаю все возможное, чтобы у вас было лучшее детство, чем у меня." (I just want you to know that I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you have a better childhood than I did.) Nat let a tear fall from her eye as Y/N looked up at her, wiping it away with her small hand. Nat smiled at the girl, pulling her in and leaving gentle kisses all over her face.

"Мой маленький ангел," Nat cooed at the little girl, seeing her younger self in her eyes. A scared 8 year old girl being transported from Moscow to Ohio to meet her 'family' for the first time. Nat was only 8 when she was placed on that mission, when her life changed forever and she met some people that would change her life forever. Though she only got 3 years with them, she would always consider them family.

How she wished she could go back 18 years, all the way back to 1992.


The rain continued to pour while the two girls did everything they could think of that didn't require them from moving from their spot. They watched movies on Nat's phone, Y/N attempted to braid her mother's hair. Turns out she's pretty good at it. They sang songs, told jokes, laughed, they had a great time.

"mommy..." Y/N whispered, crawling onto her mother's lap again.

"Yes babygirl?" Nat whispered back, in her daughter's exact tone.

"It' nearly my birthday... I'm gonna be 8," (so I messed up her age. If she was born in 2002, she's be 8 in 2010, I said she was already 8. she's 7, almost 8- I cant do math ok?) Y/N whispered back excitedly, a huge grin slowly forming on her face.

"yes you are. You're getting so big now. I remember when you were born, you were so small," Nat tried desperately to keep the smile on her face. She didn't want to be reminded of her time I the Red room but her daughter's birthday was one of the things she was going to have to remember forever. Y/N's smile only grew when Natasha pulled the blanket back over them again, and pulled Y/N as close to her as she could get. "Don't grow up too quickly princess," she whispered into her daughter's ear.

"I'll try mommy. No promises though," Y/N giggled, pushing her hair back out of her face.


The sun had gone down and now the Romanoff girls were sat out in the dark, wearing many more layers than they were earlier, with many more blankets. Y/N was laying on her stomach, her head in her mother's lap as she listened to Natasha singing a Russian lullaby she's been singing her whole life, one Melina taught to her all those years ago.

"Спи, моя дорогая, в целости и сохранности...Ибо в этой реке все находится" (I stole this from somewhere but I have no idea where. I heard it on tik tok-)

Y/N eye's were getting heavier with every word she spoke. Her mom's voice was just so comforting to her. She was struggling to stay awake when the song finished. Nat could clearly see this, as she started stroking the little girl's hair and rubbing soft circles on her back. Y/N mumbled a 'goodnight' before finally letting her exhaustion overcome her and she drifted off to sleep, safe with her mama.


Nat's eyes shot open when her face was hit with light coming from the sun. She sat up, realising she fell asleep outside, in the cold. With Y/N. Usually that wouldn't be a problem, they did it all the time. The only issue was that it was really cold last night and Y/N was probably going to get sick.

As gently as possible, she lifted Y/N's head off of her chest and sat her up, watching carefully as her eyes opened too, meeting hers in seconds. Y/N was still half asleep when Nat lifted her up and carried her inside.

"Hi mommy..." Y/N mumbled quietly, hiding her face in Nat's neck as she shivered.

"hi baby. You ok?" she kissed the top of her head, rubbing small circles on her back trying to keep her warm (it took me 5 minutes to be able to spell 'circles') Y/N just shrugged her shoulders, holding her Mama close, as if she was about to slip away. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

"Don't feel good mommy," She said a bit louder, yawning into Nat's neck.


its been a while. I swear I am trying to write but I have zero motivation atm...

Anyway I watched a group of year 7s pierce their noses in the school bathroom today while one of my friends was piercing theirs. Did I get in trouble just for being there when they did it? yes. Did I have anything to do with it? Nope,

Anyway... again.. while you're here- I rlly don't wanna sound desperate but like oh well- can you check out my other books? ik ive not been doing the GA one long but like the small number looks rlly depressing.

That sounds desperate but I promise im not. bye

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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