7- дом

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When 22:00pm rolled around, Natasha and Clint had successfully packed all of their things up and were making their way to the airport. The redhead had notified Fury of the early return only moments ago, before switching her phone off completely. The last few hours had been stressful to say the least. Clint had lost his toothbrush, and after nearly 20 minutes of looking for it, he reached into the back pocket of his jeans and found it. He had been cleaning up the sink and put it their- inevitably forgetting about it.

As they sat waiting for their flight, Clint was sat on the phone to his wife Laura, arguing about something small.

"You know what- Yeah, you're right- I'm sorry- I said I was sorry!" was all Nat could hear. She watched as he became more agitated with himself and then ended the call.

"Someone's sleeping on the couch when they get home," Nat tried desperately to hold back her laughter, but failed, watching Clint glare at her. "Flight 213 from Budapest to New York!" a voice came over the intercom. The two assassins grabbed their bags, (shit happens. I've never been on a plane before so idk how this works)


The plane landed at an airport only 20 minutes away from the office. Once they managed to make their way out of the crowded airport, Laura was waiting their with her son Cooper. The four year old was soon let out of the car, running straight to his dad, while his one year old sister Lila remained in the car. He jumped up at his father, holding onto him tight as they made their way back to Laura.

Nat distanced herself slightly, just admiring the perfect family they had, and thinking about how hers was forced upon her. She loved her daughter with everything she had, but sometimes all she could think about while looking at her was the person that ruined her life the most, her daughter's father- Dreykov.

"Nat. lets get you back to your daughter. I'm sure she misses you," Clint said, watching Cooper grab her hands.

"Auntie Nat!" he said in excited tone. She just laughed and picked him up, following Clint back to the car.

The car ride home was quite quiet, well in Clint and Laura's case. Nat was sat in the middle seat between the two kids, who were now arguing over who the favourite child was. Of course they were saying it was themselves. Nat was just laughing along until it started to get physical. Cooper hit Lila after she disagreed with him for the 100th time. He went to hit her again but Nat just gently grabbed his fist and gave him a look. It wasn't very threatening, but it was enough to scare a 4 year old.

"Don't hit your sister," Nat said gently, noticing how both kids were nearly asleep. Cooper kept hold of Nat's hand until the car pulled in at the office. Clint got out of the passenger seat, quickly walking round to open the boot. Effortlessly, Nat climbed out of the boot, careful not to wake the sleeping kids.

"Romanoff... you couldn't have got out the car like a normal person?" Maria joked, walking over to greet them.

"I was stuck between two sleeping children. I'm not taking my chances," Maria led Nat and Clint through the foyer and into the conference room. The three of them were discussing the mission quietly until Fury came in, followed by a young redhead.

"Mommy! You're back," the child squealed, running over to Nat and jumping onto her lap.

"Hi baby. Yeah, I'm back, and I'm staying here for as long as possible ok?" the younger girl just nodded into her mother's chest, getting used to the warmth she had missed so much. " Я тебя Люблю," (I love you)

"Я люблю тебя больше, мама. Я скучал по тебе. (I love you more mommy. I missed you)

"Missed you too honey. You wanna get home?" Nat asked, feeling her child getting heavier in her embrace. Y/N just hummed a quiet approval. She didn't really care where she was, as long as she was with her mama. Once Nat had quickly said her goodbyes, she lifted Y/N into her arms, rubbing her back softly until they made it to the car.

As gently as possible, Nat lowered her daughter into the backseat of the car, careful not to hit her head. Once Y/N was strapped in, Nat climbed into the drivers seat and stared the journey home.


Y/N's eyes fluttered open and she was met with a familiar warmth coming from a particular redhead. She opened her eyes fully and saw her mom laying there, fast asleep. She had no idea what time it was, and since the curtains were closed, there was no way of telling unless she got up.

Very slowly, Y/N pushed herself up until she was sat on her knees. To her left sat a clock. It was quietly ticking away and read 11:37am. Thank god it wasn't the middle of the night. Whilst rubbing her eyes, Y/N quietly reached over to her mum, lightly shaking her awake.

"mommy... wake up. it's nearly lunchtime," Nat's eyes slowly opened, immediately locking with Y/N's. A smile started to form on Nat's face Y/N started peppering her face in light kisses. The older woman started giggling, scooping her daughter up and sitting her on her lap. "Hi mommy,"

"morning love. Come on, I'll make lunch," the two gingers walked down to the kitchen, hand in hand. "What do you want to eat baby?" Y/N looked at her hands, deep in thought for a couple seconds before looking her mom dead in the face and saying:


Nat just simply raised a single eyebrow, returning her daughter's threatening stare. Y/N's façade faltered ever so slightly before she completely broke. She looked up at her mother, slightly scared.

"Please mommy," she whispered, looking down at the ground awkwardly.

"Better... Good girl,"


The girls were sat together on the couch, watching an old Russian movie while the rain poured down outside. Y/N pushed herself closer to her mother, laying with her head on Nat's shoulder. With a warm smile plastered on her face, Nat lifted the blanket and draped it over the two of them while wrapping her arms around her daughter.

She watched carefully as Y/N's eyes dated about the screen, trying to take in everything going on. How she would whisper the words and laugh at the jokes.

она была дома.


a/n: I'm not dead...

I just had a lot going on with school and no motivation to write. But hopefully I will write some more soon.

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