Final Season: Episode 6: The Only Medic

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Dedicated to: The_shifter_97

Limping inside the Tower with the help of Chris and John, it doesn't take much time before (Y/N)'s Fiancee, Wanda, to see him from down the hall.

(Y/N): Great... now Wanda's going to worry about me. I hate seeing her upset...

Wanda: (Y/N)?!

She immediately drops her bags in shock, before running all the way past the training room where Agatha and Drax were, to (Y/N). His helmet is damaged, he has cuts and blood all over his face and arms. Not only is his chest piece dented as well, but his right leg has a burn mark the size of a skull on it.

(Y/N): H-Hey... sweetheart...
Wanda quickly wraps her arm around (Y/N) as Chris and John hands him over to her, before leaving and returning to their posts.

Wanda: Let's get you to our room.

(Y/N): I'm...Fine.

He forces a smile to try and give her a bit of reassurance, despite his desperate need for a medic.

Wanda: No your not! You need to rest.

He sighs as Wanda continues to walk him towards the room, before openening the door and laying him down on the shared bed.

(Y/N): Yes Wanda. I'm f-fine...

She then frowns before planting a gentle kiss on his lips and rubbing her hand through his filthy (Y/C) hair.

(Y/N): She's almost to good for me.

Wanda: I worry sometimes...

Her hands then go from his head to his shoulders, and she unstraps the chest piece from him.

Wanda: You look chafed.

(Y/N) replies with a small nod, and she smiles at him.

Wanda: I'll help.

(Y/N): Thank...You.

She rubs her hands through his bare chest, massaging and easing the pain, while also making him feel loved and secure, somehow.

Wanda: I love you (Y/N).

(Y/N): I love you too... Wanda. You're the only... Medic I'll ever need.

She smiles and tends to his wounds.

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