Chapter 2

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It had been a couple of days since I checked in and things have been going rather swimmingly.  Angel has learned to respect boundaries and we even decided to play a prank on husker by putting Alka-Seltzer in his booze, the guy didn't leave the bathrooms for the rest of the day! I decided to help nifty clean the place as she talked to me about her day, her likes and dislikes though most could barely understand her I was able to keep up with her just fine, I could tell that she seemed to be a very lonely girl and just wanted a friend so I gladly did what any good friend would do, Listen and that's all she needed. now as for husker, we weren't necessarily on good terms after that prank but when I offered him a game of poker and some whiskey, we made up and became good friends, he was actually surprised that I beat him not once, not twice, but four times in a row and asked me how I got so good. I simply responded with "let's just say I had a lot of free time on my hands in the living world" to which he laughed, Vaggie seemed to hold a slight grudge towards men and it took a while for her to warm up to me, she wouldn't even let me call her Vaggie, when I did she threw her spear at my head and told me to call her Vagatha but that still didn't stop me from wanting to get to know her, whenever I was free I would simply ask how her day was or about how hell worked and eventually she warmed up to me and actually saw me as her little brother to which Charlie found adorable, Alastor and I got along really well, even though our preferabilities were flipped upside down, but every time we would hang out we couldn't stop laughing, we'd tell stories of when we were alive, performed together, in such a short time we became best friends, and finally Charlie, in a video game characters words, she was a dynamite gal. my second day in hell she decided to give me a tour of the city, recommending shops and stores, giving me tips on random things and even gave me a warning or two when it came to certain places, and in exchange, I gave her tips on how to make the hotel even better, even though I knew nothing about businesses I could always single out the kindest of people and knew how to draw them out, all in all, we enjoyed each others company, but something was bugging me

Y/n: I need a job

Alastor looked at me with intrigue

Alastor: now where did this come from old chap?

Y/n: I mean, I know that my stay is free and all but I can't just keep lounging off of you guys, whenever I needed to go somewhere I either had to walk or Charlie would drive me, whenever I wanted something to eat or drink I would either get something from the kitchen or one of you guys would pay, I want to be independent, besides I've been kinda bored lately and need some excitement

Alastor: well I wish you luck, my friend

Y/n: thanks Al, tell Charlie I'll be back this evening

Alastor: will do!

I then left my room and headed out into the city to search for a job

time skip

Y/n: who knew that hellhounds were thought so lowly of

my luck finding a job has been complete shit, since I'm a hellhound hybrid most employers take one look at me and either slam the door in my face out of fear or cuss me out and then slam the door in my face out of hatred. apparently, hellhounds are seen as nothing but mangy mutts used for labor or bloodthirsty savages (A/n: wow this reminds me of a certain race who've been getting fucked over for more than 300 years). I was about to give up and go home when I passed by an electronics store with TV's on display, I paid no attention to the store until all of the TV'S start showing an ad

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