Taco - Punched

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Annie's POV:

I have been working as a Bondi lifeguard for around 3 weeks now and I really like working there but the thing that puts me down during the day is Taco. He has been bullying me since day one and I have told the boys but they haven't done anything as they don't believe me as I am a girl. That really pisses me off as when they don't believe me it makes me feel worse than what I already feel like.

I have just gotten to work today and the bullying has already started. Since I have started I have wanted to have one day at work where I am happy and calm but no that hasn't happened because every time I am working, Taco is working with me.

When I looked at the rota for today I saw that Taco and I were both in the tower together. I knew that it was going to end badly today.

Throughout my shift in the tower, Taco has been saying things like "I don't know how you feel alright in your body. If I were you I would feel fat", "Why are you here? No one likes you", "You have no friends," and things along those lines. With him saying those things it makes me feel like I'm not important and I am already self-conscious and I don't want to be reminded that I am fat.

It was around 3 in the afternoon when I finally had enough of Taco. I have put up with enough of his crap as I didn't like how he was treating me. I was fed up with it. I don't know how I have gone this long without hitting him. Taco has been saying mean stuff to me throughout the entire day.

The things he has been saying to me has gotten worse since the first day I have started. I was just watching the water when Taco turned to me and said "Annie, I don't even know why your parents kept you. You were a mistake and you weren't supp..."

I had enough. I couldn't go on anymore. I had to stop him from talking as what he was saying was getting too personal. I quickly put the bino's down, spun around and decked him. "Don't you ever say that again? I know that my parents never wanted me. I was told that every day throughout my childhood. I don't want to be reminded about it. If you ever mention that again, I will do something much worse," I whispered to Taco in a threatening way. I then turned back around and faced the water. I picked up the bino's and continued to watch the water.

It was now the end of the day and the boys have finally packed the beach up. I could see them all coming up to the tower and I don't know what was going to happen when they saw Taco with an ice pack over his eye.

The boys walked into the tower together and they stopped suddenly when they saw Taco. "What happened to you?" Maxi asked.

"Annie punched me for no reason. She just spun around in her chair while I was watching the water and she decked me," Taco told them.

"Annie, what the hell is wrong with you? You don't punch someone for no reason," Gonzo said.

"But, he-" I started to say but I was cut off by Harries walking in.

"Harries. Annie decked Taco for some reason," Max A said to Harries.

"Annie. Why did you deck Taco?" Harries asked. "Actually never mind. I don't want to know."

I then had enough of everything so I pushed past everyone while walking out the back of the tower. I then walked into the changing room and got changed out of my work clothes. I then walked over to Hoppo's office and knocked on the door. I heard him say 'Come in' so I walked into his office and before he could say anything I put the neatly folded clothes on his desk and said: "I quit."

"What? Why?" Hoppo asked.

"I'm not explaining. Ask the others," I said to Hoppo. I then walked out of Hoppo's office and closed the door behind me. I then walked home with my stuff and when I got home I put my stuff down next to the door while sliding down the back of the front door. I just realised what I have done but I'm glad that I have gotten out of there as I couldn't last any longer.


Thank you for reading this chapter and for Ncissciouto48 for the request. I liked this as it shows what happens to women daily because men don't think we can do the same things as them. Hope you have enjoyed reading this chapter.



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