All Lifeguards - Random Thoughts

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Nicole's POV:

I have ADHD so sometimes I will come out with the most random thoughts. I also lose things a lot. So by I lose things a lot I mean that if I put something down and then go back to grab it, it won't be there so I look in other places and then when I come back to where I put it it is there. It's weird, I know but the boys have had to put up with weird shit coming out of my mouth for over 3 years now. I was fiddling with my lanyard that has my keys on it as I couldn't keep still while I worked. I then had this random thought come into my head so I picked up the radio and then said "You can remove any letter from the word seat and still end up with a real word."

"Come on Nicci. Really. Again with the thoughts," I hear Hoppo say over the radio.

"What. I just thought of it and I wanted you all to think about it," I say. I let them all ponder with that for a bit as I wanted to see how badly I have messed with their minds. I turned to look at Maxi and saw that he was trying to figure that one out for himself as he looked confused.

"Hey, Maxi. I have another one for you. Your lap only exists when you sit down and your fist only appears when you open your hand."

"Why. Oh, why do you have to do this to us? I can't take this anymore," Maxi said.

"Deal with it then," I say.

Later on in the day, I was with Harries down on the beach and we were just talking to each other while we were watching the water. "The voice in your head never changes tone or volume," I said.

"What?" Harries asked.

"So you know when you read you have this little voice in your head?" I ask

"Yeah," Harries said.

"Well, it never changed tone or volume," I say.

"OH MY GOD! Come on. You can't be serious," Harries said.

"Yep. I'm dead serious," I say.

It was the net day and I was sat in the buggy down the south end of the beach. It was unusually quiet down here for some reason so Nicola and I were just playing games while we were sat in the buggy. I then interrupted Nicola talking just so I could say "Every time you breathe you probably are killing someone."

"How?" Nicola asked.

"Because trees are being cut down there are less and less of them so when you breathe in the oxygen you are probably taking someone's chance to stay alive," I say. "Also you only have to take one letter off breathe to make it past tense."

Nicola then did the mind explosion sign and I know that she only did that as she didn't have anything to say.

Later on in the day, I was down in the middle set of flags and I was just watching the water on my own when I decided to mess with everyone's minds again. "A skyscraper is just a giant sandcastle."

"Seriously, we're trying to work. Can you not confuse us and how?" Deano said over the radio.

"Well, concrete and glass are made out of the sand. And I'm not going to say anything else about that," I explain. "Also, this one is aimed at Nicola."

Before I could say anything else I hear Nicola say "Oh no."

I decided to brush it off and then continue "All women are bodybuilders. Also, that was my last one for today."

I then didn't hear anything come from the radio as I knew that I blew their minds. I knew that they weren't going to be happy when I come out with more but they are used to it.


Thanks for reading this chapter. Sorry if I confused you or messed with your mind. I just had these thoughts piling up in my head for a while and I wanted to share them.



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