Chapter 5 - Confessions and Feelings

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What does it mean to "see someone's worth"? And what did Sayo mean by that?

Throughout highschool, I tried to keep it a low profile as much as I can. Sure, I made friends and a few close friends that I still come into contact with every now and then.

But when it comes to girls... I don't know. I've been confessed to for a few times, but I had to turn them down.

I didn't know who they were, and I knew for a fact that I wouldn't have time for a relationship!

Besides! I already have someone I like.

That's right!

She's cool and dashing!

And ever since I found her again, I've confirmed with myself that I really do like her.

But... Confessing those feelings to a childhood friend is.... Well.... Let's just say it's not the best thing to do....

I don't want to ruin the relationship we have now.

Meeting after years of no contact and our relationship is like this? This is already so much for me. I'm glad we can still talk like how we used to talk!

But to possibly end all of that due to one confession.... That's something I can't bring myself to do.

I really really respect her too. And I want to preserve this relationship of ours!

"Eh?" I exclaimed.

Sayo then stops talking.

"Did I say something funny?" She asked me.

"What did you mean by when you said that you don't know what their thinking when girls don't see my worth?" I asked.

"Well Anon-tan, You're talented! You have all of these instruments, and you can play them all. You're also a lot more responsible now from when you were a little sneaky brat back then." She said.

Okay.... I don't think you needed to add that last bit in...

"Plus, it seems like you have a stable life right now. Wouldn't some girls want a guy who's set for life already?" She added.


"Wait no that's not it! I wouldn't go for girls who only like me just because I'm set for life! If anything... I'd like for a girl to truly like me as well!" I responded.

"That is true..." She said.

"Honestly..." I exclaimed.

"Then, do you like anyone Anon-tan?" She asked me another question. A pretty daring one too.

"Ehh?!" I didn't know how to react.

"After all, you're smart and charming enough." She stated.

"Enough?!" I said.

"Yes. So, do you have anyone in mind?" She pressed the question onto me once more.

"Well I uhh...." I paused.

I know for a fact that I needed to lie at this point! My dear dear Sayo-sama.... I love you but... I can't say it like this!


"O-Of course I do!" I confidently said.

Mission failed. We'll get him next time.

"Oh? Really? What's she like?" She asked.

Oh dear.

Trying not to look like a loser in front of Sayo got me into this mess....

How do I describe herself to her without hee noticing that I'm talking about her?

"Well uhh... She's cool... And she's dashing..." I said.

"Oh? What else?" Sayo said.

But how come it seems like she got ticked off by what I just said?

Rather than looking away like awhile ago, she's now slowly coming closer to me while her eyes are dead set on mine.

I feel like I'm being interrogated unnecessarily...

"Sayo-san? Are you mad by any chance?" I asked her.

She backed off and looked away.

"Preposterous! Why would I be mad? I was the one who asked you Anon-Tan!" She said.

She still seems like she is mad though, but it's more like she's embarrassed to admit something right now instead.

"Have you confessed to this girl already?" She asked me another question.



"I HAVEN'T!!!" I said in a panic.

"How come??" She asked.

"Well I!!.... I don't want to ruin our current relationship as friends...." I responded.

It really isn't that easy. There's more risks for me than there are for Sayo....

If I confess and she ends up distancing herself from me.... Then all of my effort on trying to reunite with her for years will all go to waste...

Plus, it doesn't seem like Sayo is interested in a relationship either. She's occupied with Roselia after all...

"So... You're afraid that you might ruin your friendship if you confess to her and she rejects you, am I correct?" She asked.

"Yeah... I don't want that..." I said.

And please don't rub it in!

"If your friend thinks that she doesn't want to be friends with you anymore after that confession... Then It isn't your fault. That's something for her to decide." She said.

She's right... Of course she's right... I know that much...

"But would it really be worth it to hide your feelings forever and risk her getting taken away from you just because were scared to tell her your feelings?" She asked me.

Sayo.... Since when did you know so much about this stuff?

"You do have a point...." I said.

"So, are you still gonna chicken out?" She said.

Okay, I think she's kind of mocking me at this point.

"I'm not! But..." I said.

"I won't listen to any of your excuses!" She said.

"Then what about you Sayo-san? Do you have anyone you like?" I ask her.

Way to turn things around me!

But... Am I really prepared for this? What if she says she has one???

"Sayo-san?" I ask her again.

Wait....wait!.... WAIT WHY IS SHE BLUSHING?!?!


"I do..." She said.



"O-Oh?? W-Who is it then?!" I asked.

I seem to have had the courage to ask the girl I liked on who she likes... If she ends up actually saying a guys name... I'm gonna make my way to college and make sure I focus my attention there.... Sorry Sayo.... Your childhood friend is a loser.... Even back then....


"You..." She said softly.

"He?" I exclaimed.

- To be Continued -

The Same As Before - (A Male Reader x Sayo Hikawa Fanfiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें