Chapter 1: Just a Normal Woman

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(point-of-view of Y/N)

I'm just a normal woman in my early-20s, living all by myself in my apartment. I have lived all by myself ever since my parents died in that terrible car accident when I was 18. And, another thing, I don't have any friends ever since I started high school. It's really hard for me to make friends; I would just stand near the locker, on my phone, while everyone else just ignored me, even the bullies, who surprisingly, just tended to ignore me as well, which is a good thing. It's like I don't exist, and I have been alone for my whole life since my parents died.


(point-of-view of no one)

A younger Y/N and her parents are in the car, on their way to Aunt Katie's house to celebrate her birthday. "Make sure you say happy birthday to Aunt Katie, sweetie", Y/N's mother smiled, looking back at her. "Okie doki, mom", Y/N said, putting a smile on her face. However, suddenly, a truck crashed the car that Y/N's father drove, which immediately killed him and her mother. "Mom! Dad!", Y/N exclaimed, shocked to see that her parents are dead after being crashed in the car by that truck. Luckily, several police cars arrived and saw the incident. Y/N got out, and a police officer then noticed her, and then ran over to her. "Are you hurt, miss?" he asked. "I'm fine, officer. Thanks. But, my parents, they're not", Y/N replied, pointing at the damaged car that have her dead parents in it.

Later, the damaged car was being blocked with barricade tape, as Y/N watched. A police officer then walked over to her. "Young lady, you should go home", he said. "Okay, but, what about my parents?", Y/N asked, worried. "Well, because they're both hurt, they're being carried into the ambulance, to the hospital right away", he answered. Y/N then looked over, to witness her parents being carried into the ambulance. "Will, will they be okay??", Y/N asked, even more worried. The police officer frowned. "I don't know, but I think it's best for you to go home right now", he said. "Okay..", Y/N said, walking away from the scene.

(back home)

Y/N was watching the news on TV; she was watching the incident that happened earlier. Everything was going well, until she was shocked to hear that her the medics failed to save her parents, and that they're dead now. "M-mom, dad..", Y/N whimpered, tearing up. She then began to cry, sad to see that her parents are already dead. Y/N calmed down, wiped her tears away, and picked up her phone, went on Instagram, to look at the pictures of the good times she had with her parents. "Mom, dad, I know that you're already dead, but forever, you will both be in my heart..", she smiled a bit, tearing up but then wiped her tears away.

(a week later)

Y/N was driving in her car, because she was moving. She even has the moving truck take all the stuff she had in her old home to her new one. 10 minutes later, Y/N finally arrived at her new home; an apartment building. She walked out of the car, entered the building, went into the elevator, and it stopped at the 5th floor. Y/N also helped the moving workers move all her stuff into her apartment.

Once it was all done, Y/N looked around in her new apartment. "Well, since I've moved here, I guess it's time to clean up", she smiled, as she began to clean up her apartment; wiping windows, sweeping and then mopping the floor, and also dusting off the furniture.

She was now done cleaning up her apartment. Y/N went into her new bedroom, plopped herself onto the bed, and laid on it. She was smiling, but then frowned. "Am I, missing something?", Y/N asked herself, recalling that she's now alone since her parents died.

End of flashback:

(point-of-view of Y/N)

Now, I wish that I have someone to accompany me, since for my whole life, I have been living alone, and it is lonely. My name is Y/N; Y/N L/N.

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