wedding day

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"General! General general please wake up! " A junior official shakes him. "Ugh... What? " Mu qing turns over and rubs his eyes lazily.  "General, did you forget? It's General Nanyang's wedding day! You're going to be late! " The official said panickly. Mu qing sits up immediately in realization. "Shit! Why didn't you call me earlier?! " He gets up quickly and washes up, and then dons himself in a new gorgeous robe. "Tsk.... I drank too much last night. " he hits his throbbing head. "....I don't really want to go. " Even with the headache, everything got ready in no time, and so he set off to Nanyang palace in a rush.

"Ah, Muqing, you're finally here !" Xielian pulles him closer so they could get a better view of the newlyweds.

"Fuck, that bastard, he really looks good today" Muqing thought sadly, as he watches his rival making his vow to his bride, Jianlan.

“一拜天地 yi bai tian di bow to the sky and earth ”
“二拜高堂 er bai gao tang bow to the heavens”

Muqing looks away before they say the last sentence excitedly, his tears threatening to fall.
“夫妻对拜 fu qi dui bai husband and wife bow to each other”

Everyone shouted congratulations as Fengxin and Jianlan finished their bows.

“送入洞房song ru dong fang Enter the room*!”  (*room for newlyweds to ppp)

Muqing did not realised his grip was too hard that he accidentally had his palm bled, until Xielian called him back.  "-qing, muqing? Are you okay? " he asks worriedly. Good, Xielian did not notice his bleeding hand. "Mhn, I'm fine. " he hides away the hand.
"Dianxia, I.... I need to take some fresh air. " muqing wanted to retreat himself from this place badly. "Oh... Okay. " Xielian smiled warmly.

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