3: Slytherins and Dungbombs

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"Close your eyes and turn your face into the wind.
Feel it sweep along your skin in an invisible ocean of exultation.
Suddenly, you know you are alive."
~ Vera Nazarian

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Ella was walking down the corridor when a foot caused her to trip and fall face down to the floor. Fortunately, she was able to break her fall using her hands, but it didn't make it any less painful. She heard a group of students laugh behind her before an older girl spoke.

"How does the ground taste, Greengrass?" she heard the girl sneer. "Would have thought you'd be used to it by now considering that you spend all your precious time with that mudblood." 

Before Ella was able to get back on her feet, the girl, who was a Slytherin, picked up the book she was carrying earlier. It was Sophie's copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn which she had graciously lent to her. "A muggle book, of course," the girl said as Ella stood up. "Just when I thought you couldn't sink any lower. You continue to surprise me, Greengrass. I can only imagine what your family thinks of you. That is if you aren't disowned yet." 

Her fellow Slytherins laughed along with her as Ella charged forward to get the book back. The girl continued to taunt her as she raised the book up high in the air, making it hard for Ella to reach. Just then, another young girl's voice echoed the corridors. 

"Hand it over, Avery!" the girl said. The group turned their heads to see Sophie angrily charging towards them. "Why not pick on someone your own size for once? Or are you that afraid you'll be overpowered?"

"Stay out of this, mudblood, if you know what's good for you," Avery said as she shoved Ella aside and turned to Sophie. "This is between me and the blood traitor. You wouldn't want to know what happens when you meddle in other people's business, do you?" 

"Try me," Sophie dared. "You think I'm still afraid of detention at this point? Not sure if I can say the same for you lot! All those precious house cup points? What a bruise to the ego!" 

Avery continued to glare down at Sophie. "You better be more careful where you stick your nose in, mudblood. If you know what's best for you" she said as she harshly threw her book to the ground. She then turned to Ella. "Same goes for you, blood traitor. As if you haven't put yourself to shame enough,". With that, she and her gang of Slytherins dispersed as Sophie helped Ella dust herself off. 

"That's the third time this month," Ella mumbled. "They're nothing compared to my parents but it doesn't make this any easier." 

"Hey now, don't listen to them," Sophie said. "Bet you every galleon that they can't even brew potions as good as you. You're one of the most talented witches I know, Elle. And that's never gonna change whether you're a Slytherin or a Hufflepuff."

Ella picked up the book that was left lying on the floor. "I wanted to give this back to you, though," Ella sheepishly said. "Sorry it's a bit battered now." 

Sophie shook her head as she pushed the book back to Ella. "You know what, you can keep it," Sophie said kindly. "My dad has a copy and I've read it a thousand times at this point. Consider it as a gift!" 

Ella smiled down at the book then at Sophie. "You don't have to be this nice to me, you know," she began. "I already give you enough trouble as it is whenever you save my arse from those lunatics." 

"Nonsense!" Sophie said, as if Ella had just said something dumb. "Sisters don't leave each other behind!". She then stuck out her pinky towards Ella. "Sisters through and through?" 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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