Stupid Sandra

14 0 24

"I'm sorry Bo."
"I thought you didn't love her."

Bo walked away. She wanted to cry. Goddamn Sandra. But Sandra and Ed were dating for like, 5 months or so. Did Sandra know Eds secret? I bet she wouldn't want to marry him anymore if she knew. Who would want to date a fucking vampire?

Back home she realised it was all over the news. She decided not to watch tv or check the news on her phone. She watched some movies on Netflix to try to think about something else then him, but she couldt. She really thought Ed was only dating Sandra to mislead the paparazzi so they would never found out about Bo herself. Why couldt she just be happy for him? Maybe he just wasn't the one.

She had so much drama with him, that maybe it was just better to let go. Right?

Ed and Bo, a love story. (COMPLETE)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя