After hearing what each house values, I knew I'd be sorted into Hufflepuff. Minerva also seemed to think so, as she talked a lot about Professor Sprout who is the Head of Hufflepuff House.

"Adeline," Headmaster Dumbledore greeted me as we finally stepped into his office. There stood the four Head Professors of each house. "Once you are sorted, you'll be taken into the hands of your House's Professor, and you'll be taken to your dormitory. Now, please have a seat."

Hardly any nerves were running through my body as I was confident that Hufflepuff would be the words coming out of the Sorting Hats mouth. I was so confident, that I neglected to listen to him talk until I heard,


Minerva's face dropped slightly, and Professor Sprout exchanged a quick glance with Headmaster Dumbledore. My attention was turned to the dark figure who was previously looming quietly in the corner, as he emerged into the light. "How peculiar," he mused, his voice low and curious as the hat was taken off my head and I was promoted to stand up.

"I'm sorry, Headmaster, but-"

"Professor Dumbledore is fine," he corrected me.

I nodded briefly. "Professor Dumbledore, I don't possess any of the qualities of Slytherin. This must be a mistake."

"There are no mistakes," the looming figure interjected. "Now, please come with me. I am Professor Snape and you will address me as so. I'll be your potions Professor this year, and every year." He paused to look at Dumbledore whom suppressed a smile. Professor Snape mumbled something incoherent under his breath and began heading out of the office.

I had no choice now but to follow him as the decision was final and couldn't be changed.

Hogwarts was so much different from Beauxbatons. Beauxbatons was a grand castle, with glass, crystals, and art all over. Hogwarts felt like a medieval castle that hadn't been dusted in the last century. It felt ancient, yet held character. I was expecting the dormitory to be somewhere light and airy, but as Professor Snape lead me down to the dungeons, the sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach only grew.

"Pure blood," he mumbled into a painting. How odd.

I wasn't expecting the painting to swing open and display a gorgeous decorated common room. Emerald green lined the walls, with dark wood accents as supports. There were lush velvet curtains draping from the ceiling that looked so regal and elegant. The furniture was leather in the richest shade of black I've ever seen. Silver accented the room in various forms, and I was surprised to see how empty it all was.

"Your classes will begin Monday morning," today was Thursday. "Dumbledore felt like you needed time to... adjust." He seemed like he had a snake in his throat that caused him to speak so slowly and strained. I tried not to notice too much, but he seemed to catch me staring funny. "You best keep your thoughts to yourself," he snapped. "We won't want any hiccups on the first day, will we DuPont?."

My jaw dropped slightly and I watched as he rushed to the door, not daring to look at me before spewing more arrogant words in my direction. "Your bags are by your bed, girls dormitory is on the right, boys on the left. Lunch begins in an hour. I suggest you change and go eat." Before I could even say thank you, he was out the door.

This must have been a mistake. There's no way I'd belong in Slytherin. I found my way up to my room and noticed three other beds were taken. The lack of sunlight in the dorms made it hard to see, but after turning on a light I noticed the actual amount of delicate detail work that had gone into the bed frame, wardrobe, and other accent pieces to the room.

I looked at the green robe set in front of me and I sighed softly. The wool was thicker, and would keep me warm in the cold castle, but it was nothing in comparison to my silk uniform from Beauxbatons. I changed, fixed my hair, and looked at myself in the mirror. I'd need to get a new hairstyle if I can no longer wear my hat. Brushing my hair straight, I parted it in the center and tucked the front pieces behind my ears for a clean, polished look. I'm sure lunch would be approaching soon, and as I haven't met any students yet, I wanted to make a good first impression.

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