enough for you •prologue

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Beauty is often found in the surface of things. The appearance of somethings, such as a rose, is admired by many. Snow White was like rose, so very beautiful on the surface. But just like a rose, it withers away with time and often outshined by other more lovely things. Roses were her symbol. Every color of the flower suited her well enough.

Like the white rose, she sends the message that she is worthy of anyone. The red showed just how romantic she was, especially during her youth. Yellow roses held a darker sign. Jealousy and diminished love were what changed the once 'red rose Snow White'.

She was not the only one with a related flower, of course. Her husband had also shared the symbol of the yellow rose with his infidelity and diminished love for his wife.

The eldest child used the violet flower with it's meaning of both modesty and loyalty. People found it ironic, considering this daughter was anything but modesty and had taken the flower as a reminder to others of what she is not.

The second elder daughter of the family bore the symbol of a hydrangea to show her frigidity and heartlessness natural towards others. No one was safe from her venomous words.

The only son of the family didn't take long to find his meaning. Just as the chestnut flowers, he seeks justice. Justice for his life and the lives of his sister's that have been ruined by their parents.

Finally was the final girl. A treasure in the eyes of people who believed her to be happy all the time for what she has. She could only hope, like the apple blossom. To hope for good fortune that her mother would finally be happy with her.

No. That would never happen. This could never go back to the ways they were when she was young and oblivious to the truth.

Safira had such a happy childhood once upon a time. She remembered times she was able to smile genuinely and without the tears that would occur after. She remembered running around in the gardens of her home, being chased with her brother by their older sisters. She remembered picked apples from the orchard and helping injured animals. She remembered the way her father use to greet her by picking her up and carrying the princess of his shoulders. She remembered the times she played dress up with her eldest sister Fiona. She remembered how her second sister, Shay, taught her to sneak out snacks from the kitchen, even if it was unbecoming of a royal princess.

But she didn't remember how often her mother cries. She didn't realize the fights her parents had at the time. She and Felix weren't allowed to witness those disturbing fights.

There were things she wished to forget too. To forget her father hitting her mother. To forget her brother almost drowning in the lake. To forget her mother laying almost lifeless on the bathroom floor. To forget her father kissing another woman that wasn't her mother.

She was once happy. They were once a happy family. Her mother once use to smile bright. Everything was changing in her.

As she got older and her womanly features grew, Snow White took it upon herself to snatch away Safira's innocence and teach her. Sometimes Safira wished she was born a male as her brother, then the burden of her mother's expectations wouldn't hurt so much.

But no. She was born a princess, a beautiful and fair princess who will one day be married off to whoever can pay the highest price. That what her mother told her.

I am teaching you now, Safira. You are no longer a child.

Snow White told her 9 year old daughter.

One day, you will be wife and mother. Those roles must be followed to the book. You will serve and obey.

Once upon a time, she wanted to be just like her mother. If only she was able to see sooner just how much her mother was broken and angry. She did not wish to be her mother anymore, but now had to be. No choice.

The perfect apple in the orchard.


Enough For You •DescendantsWhere stories live. Discover now