Taehyung: We have to go to the police station or anyway for help now!

Me: They wont even believe us if we went there!

Jin: Yeah. They'll just sent us off to the Mental hospital.

Afifa: So now what?

Jungkook: How about the church?

Hoseok: Good idea. We will bring the priest and-



Soobin: HYUNGS!!

Namjoon: OH NO!

We got occupied. So occupied that while we were talking, Taemin, Taejin and Soobin were dragged back into the corn field with an unknown force.

We all ran back in there again. Their screams kept fading as we kept running after them.

As we ran, we entered in the backyard of the house. Standing in the doorway was none other than Bughuul, his arm stretched out as he dragged the kids towards him. Once they were in the house, the door immediately shut itself tightly.

Jungkook being the fastest he is ran towards the door and started jamming on it with his fists. Soon later, we all joined. Jimin tried opening the door.

Jimin: Its locked from the inside!

Namjoon: The front door!

We all ran into the front yard to the front door of the house. Jimin got to it first. He started banging on it hard. Then he twisted the door knob.

Jimin: This one is locked too!!

Yoongi: The windows!

Taehyung: Its open! Let's-

Me: Taehyung watch out!



The couch from the living room flew across the room and landed straight on the window from which Taehyung was about go through. He immediately dodged the hit and landed on his back in the front yard.

Jimin: Taehyung are you okay!?

Taehyung: I'm okay. But my back hurts.

Yoongi: Now what the fuck are we gonna do!?

The curtains in the house drew itself. Now we cant see what's happening inside.

Hoseok: If we try to enter, they will kill us!

Namjoon: But we have to save them!

A loud scream caught our attention. It was Soobin's!

Jungkook: We could use the basement door from the outside.

Jin: Great idea! I'll get the axe.

Namjoon: Wait! Take Raven with you.

Jungkook: Why?

Namjoon: There is a shotgun in the shed. And since Raven takes shooting lessons, she can use it.

Me: I love your sexy brain oppa.

Jin: Come on Raven.

Me and Jin oppa ran towards the shed while the others went to the basement door on the other side of the house.

Jin oppa opened the basement door and grabbed the axe.

Jin: This could make a great weapon too.

I however, grabbed the shotgun. I searched for shells. I found them in a small box in the corner of the shed. I grabbed that box, opened it and loaded the shotgun. I shoved the rest of the shells inside my pj's pocket.

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