The Adventure Begins!

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//this isn't my photo, this is just an accurate picture of what Star looks like but instead of his whole snout being white, there's only a white star on his forehead. Beauty, isn't it? But other than that, Star is a Dapple Grey Horse which is what I just learned the horse breed is called. In this part, Varian finds Star in the horse stales with all his belongings for his journey. Getting to the stales was a hard part but getting out of the kingdom would be extremely hard especially when Tomson wants to come along for a 'personal' reason you'll find out in the story. Her's a hint, it has to do with Cassandra but it's still personal to Tomson.//

The moment Varian made sure the coast was clear, he ran down the hallway while Queen Arianna waved him goodbye. Varian could hear Cassandra down the hallways to the left of him, "oh Varian." Varian ducked underneath a table that had table cloth, he remained hidden until Cassandra passed by. Varian looked from the table cloth to find her gone then he continued to make his way to the stales. He turned around another corner to see Pete and Stan there, "where did he go?" Pete said. "I don't know, but he attacked the Captain's daughter. We knew he was dangerous," Stan said, making Varian stop in his tracks. What? Varian thought as he hid behind a big vase on a table. He could not understand why Cassandra was doing this, now she was accusing him of attacking her just because he doesn't want to help overthrow a kingdom. He didn't know what was happening but all he knew was that he had to find Rapunzel so she can fix all of this.

Once they were gone, Varian finally made his way to the horse stales. As he walked by the horses, he saw Maximus and Fidella's stales empty. Right next to there stale, he saw a grey horse with white socks on his legs and a white star on his forehead. You must be Star, Varian thought as he pet the beautiful horse. He saw on the horse's back was two bags that he guessed was probably full of stuff he needed. Out of one of the bags popped Ruddiger, who apparently came from the food bag, chittering a greeting at him. "Oh, she even packed Ruddiger, no wonder I haven't seen you all day," Varian said to his pet Raccoon. The horse neighed to them, letting them know they must get going. Varian agreed, "yes, alright we should go." He got onto the horse, made sure the gate was still open then he whipped the reins for Star to start galloping out the door.

Meanwhile inside the castle, Queen Arianna got caught by Cassandra. "Now tell me Your Majesty, where is Varian?" Cassandra threatened, having Queen Arianna at her throat. They were standing by a mirror, the same exact mirror that was in Yesterday's Tomorrow that the Ghost Girl must have pulled it out of or recreated. Right beside Cassandra was the same ghost girl appearing with an evil smile. Queen Arianna couldn't see her but she sure wasn't telling her where Varian was going. "I won't tell you," Queen Arianna said underneath her strangled neck. "Wrong answer," Cassandra said before throwing her into the mirror. "You weren't suppose to get rid of her until she gives us where the boy is going," The Ghost Girl said in rage. Cassandra only said, "I know, but I already know where he is going." "Very well then," the Ghost Girl said to her. Cassandra began to try to use her new powers to try to make an army of herself. The Ghost Girl began to whisper to her, "use your anger and hatred to control your powers." Cassandra tries again but fails again, "I can't."
"You aren't trying hard enough," the Ghost Girl told her again.
"I Am! And There's Nothing!" Cassandra said, getting angry. Suddenly out of nowhere, there appeared an illusion of herself making a physical appearance. Cassandra saw it and she was surprised, "woah." "Knew you could do it. Now, make an army so we can finally get started. Also, maybe send a few to kill that kid," The Ghost Girl instructed Cassandra before disappearing. Cassandra was finished by the time rain clouds came and started pouring rain. She sent five of her selves forward then told them, "find Varian and kill him." The five Cassandra soldiers went on their way to do exactly that.

Back with Varian, he felt it raining on him, "oh please don't rain." It still rained anyways just when he was struggling to find which wagon tracks were Rapunzel's. Ruddiger even tried to find the tracks but he came back up into Varian's bag shaking his head no. "Oh great, I mean they did leave a year ago but the tracks should still be here by now," Varian said but Star just snorted. Until Suddenly, they heard a voice from behind them, "Varian!" Varian recognized that voice as Tomson. He ran up to Varian before stopping to catch his breath, Varian noticed Tomson had a backpack on for some reason but that wasn't his big concern. "Tomson, what are you doing here?" Varian asked him.
"I came to make sure you were ok, I heard that Cassandra was trying to kill you and she was taking over the kingdom. I'm so sorry this happened to you," Tomson was telling him, feeling very concerned.
"Tomson, I'm alright, now excuse me I have to find Rapunzel. She's still alive but she is lost out there," Varian told him, about to get Star to walk away. Tomson had fear in his face when he stopped Varian, "wait, let me go with."
Varian stopped Star to look down at Tomson, "Tomson, no, this journey will be too dangerous for you."
"Please Varian, I can't be left here. Cassandra would kill me too," Tomson was begging at this point. Varian could see fear in Tomson's eyes but he was not understanding why unless it had something to do with the bullies, "Tomson, I know you don't want to be left alone with your bullies but you will be killed on this journey."
"This isn't about the bullies, this is a situation far more worse than bullies. Please Vary! You promised you'd protect me! You promised!" Tomson was begging with extreme fear.

Varian heard those last words and immediately had flashbacks to when he was begging Rapunzel to help his dad. Ruddiger looked up at Varian with sad eyes for an answer. Star too was looking at Varian, wondering if he really was going to leave an eight year old child for dead. All of a sudden, they all looked over to hearing multiple footsteps coming towards them. Tomson's stress level was through the roof as he was gripping Varian's pants in panic, "Vary please!" Varian looked closely to see their were five of Cassandra which felt weird but all that was going through his mind was that they had company and that she could kill Tomson if she saw he had an association with the kid she is trying to get rid of. He couldn't save his father from possible death but he was hoping he could save Tomson. With that, Varian finally made up his mind. He was not going to make the same mistake Rapunzel made with him. With that being said, he reached down his hand for Tomson to pull him up, "Tomson, get on quick!" Tomson quickly grabbed his hand and Varian pulled him into the back of Star. Tomson hugged Varian both thankfully and just to hang on in case Star gos fast, "thank you so much Vary." "Yeah, just hang on," Varian said while trying to not sound like he cared and whipped the reins for Star to start galloping away.

Varian looked behind them to see the Cassandras were getting close to them on horses while Lightning was flashing across the sky and Thunder was roaring afterwards. Tomson looked behind to see the same thing, "since when were there more Cassandras?" Varian didn't know the answer to that but he looked back forward to figure out a way to lose them. Tomson was also looking for a way to lose them, luckily his street smarts found Ruddiger eating an apple so he grabbed it, making Ruddiger upset then threw it right at the first Cassandra's head, knocking her off her horse. "Yes!" Tomson said, Varian looked back to see what he was saying yes to until he realized there were only four left. "What just happened?" Varian asked until Tomson answered proudly, "I threw an apple at one of the Cassandras and she fell off her horse." Varian was impressed at that, so he said, "cool." Tomson held back onto Varian while they trotted through the forest. Varian looked ahead to see there was a dead end of bushes but a small opening in them off the ground. At that moment, Varian had an idea, "ok, Tomson, hold on tight!" Tomson listened and tightened his grip. "Star! Get ready to jump boy!" Varian said to Star. Star neighed back in response as he continued to run faster. Once they got to the dead end, Star jumped right through the opening. Varian ducked his head to avoid getting knocked off. Tomson ducked down as well while looking up at the same time, "woah," he thought in amazement. The horses, knowing they can't jump through that, stopped right at the dead end. They all reared, knocking the Cassandras off of them then ran away.

With that, Varian and Tomson were able to get away safely. Star began to slow down once he saw they were no longer being chased. Varian stopped and turned Star around to see the castle of Corona from a distance where they were at, "that was really close," he commented while thinking with a little compassion for the kingdom, goodbye Corona, goodbye Queen Arianna, I will return with your Princess. Tomson who's hair was completely mess from wind lash, shouted out, "That Was Totally Awesome!" Ruddiger popped out of the bag all dizzy and weary. "Right, awesome, let's just find a place to get out of the rain," Varian replied to Tomson's enthusiasm, trying not to show it himself. They were able to find a place to wait out the rain inside a hole on the side of a hill. There, while Varian was setting up to sleep, he saw Tomson writing in a journal of some sort. Not going to lie, this reminded Varian of a trait Rapunzel always had. Once Tomson was done writing in it, he put it back inside his bag. Varian wondered what he wrote in it but he probably guessed personal stuff like a diary. He laid back in his bag to rest, it was kind of a cold night but having a sleeping bag sure was better than old cloth that was used by thousands of prisoners before him. Tomson just had a blanket, for a certain reason, he wasn't able to pack much. Whatever his situation was, it had to be a serious one.

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