Character Info

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Publish: November 2021
Edit: March 2023 (Detail Change)

Name: Krelle Serraath

Age: 29

Height: 5'10" / 5'11"

Hair: Light brown

Eyes: Dark Brown

Species: Caitian/Vulcan

Fur: Golden brown w/cheetah-like markings

Features: Feline-like teeth/Vulcan eyebrows/ Feline-like lips and teeth(i.e. mouth)/ Feline-like ears that curve into a pointy tip like a Vulcan/ 'feathery' fur lining the jawline/ whiskers/claws on fingers and toes/ legs are similar to a feline


Eklon - Sister

Bawr'esh - Brother

Kirath - Father

M'Trell - Mother

Personality: Krelle is an inquisitive, quiet person. She prefers to keep to herself if she can, and doesn't mind being alone. As for her being inquisitive, Krelle loves to learn. She loves to get her hands on anything she can, tear it apart, and see what makes it tick. She's very attached to her siblings, and is willing to throw herself in harm's way to protect them.

History: Krelle was born from a brief pairing between a Vulcan and a Caitian. The two had been part of away team that had been observing a possible candidate to join the Federation. Pon Far had snuck up on Kirath, which had interfeared with his work. He isolated himself, stating that he had come down with the Andorian flu. M'Trell knew better, as she had specialized in xenobiology when she enrolled in Star Fleet at a young age. She told the others that she would watch over, and take care of Kirath until he was better.

It wasn't until it was months after, when she had been granted shore leave, did M'Trell have an idea of what the consequences were. She tried to contact Kirath to tell him about the pregnancy, only to be met with resistance. She carried on with the pregnancy, even though it nearly killed her. She gave birth to Krelle on May 20th, 2342. As Krelle got older, she was constantly teased by other kids for her looks. Especially for her eyebrows. When her brother got wind of it, he was the one to deal with the bullies. Bawr'esh and Krelle shared many similarities. They shared their love for books, sparring, their caitian heritage, and their shared ability to annoy their sister. Even though Eklon isn't related to Krelle, they consider the other to be their sister.

When Krelle became of age, she joined Star Fleet in the hopes of not only following in her mother and siblings' path, but with the hope of running into Kirath. During her first year in the academy, her teachers had noticed that she was so far ahead of the curriculum they normally taught. They discussed this with the school board, and admirals. They came to the conclusion that she was eligible for multiple careers in Star Fleet. They had her take the Kobayashi Maru test, and she was one of the few that had done well on the test. She had done so well, they had her try in multiple positions. She "passed" all of them with flying colors.

Stunned, nobody knew what to do. Krelle did. She took the primary classes in the major fields; Command, Science, and Medical. She also took some online classes on diplomacy. By the time she had graduated, her credentials and the 200 hours onboard various ship had earned her the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade.

Krelle is also one the few people who had the honor of designing, and building the ships USS Intrepid, USS Voyager, USS Pathfinder, USS Bellerophon. After the Intrepid was finished in 2369, Krelle and fellow Lieutenant Junior Grade Veronica Stadi were chosen as test pilot and navigator. During their assignment, they increased piloting efficiency by 33%. In 2370 during a test run near Alpha Draconis, a previously uncharted quantum filament. Not wanting to take all the credit, Krelle let Stadi pilot the ship around the filament.

After the test run was done, Krelle return to the Utopia Planitia shipyards to finish with the other Intrpeid class ships. When asked what she wanted her greatest accomplishment to be, she told everyone what she told her mom. She never really wanted to "accomplish" everything. Or at least, have her accomplishments glorified. All she wanted was to be apart of many great things. Whether or not she would be remembered for it, she wasn't bothered by it since she'd be the one to remember what happened.

Unfortunately for her, someone had been paying attention to her many accomplishments, and wanted her out of the way. They believed that she was connected to the Maquis, and had been funneling secure information to stave off attacks on whatever ship she would be stationed on. They waited until Voyager's build was finished to strike.

One of her old classmates had raised the alarm when she didn't meet them for lunch. No one could find her, or any trace of who took her. Only time would tell where, and when Krelle would turn up. Alive, or dead. 

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