As happy as he was to see Dream alive and apparently well, something about the man discomfited him. He tried to put on his best air of nonchalance. "Apparently, it's not as easy as just walking in."

"Yes, I will have to have a talk with the warden about the visitor's list."

Wilbur unconsciously fidgeted with his fingerless gloves, tugging at them. It was hard to know what to say, he really hadn't expected Dream to be quite so alive and now he couldn't help wondering: if it wasn't Dream's blood, whose blood was it? "How are you?" he asked.

Dream didn't answer, he seemed to be very interested in Wilbur's hands. Suddenly, he clapped his hands and burst out into laughter. "So you finally f-cked the duck? After all that flirting, it's about time! Tell me, does he quack?"


"I've never known you to wear a ring like that. It took me a moment to place it. I remember it well; I got a good view of it yesterday when your ducky little man smashed my face in."

So it had been Dream's blood.

Dream jumped off the headboard, landing nimbly on the floor. He certainly wasn't moving like he'd been beaten. "I'll bet he was in quite the good mood after that. He probably gave you the night of your life."

He had, but not in the way Dream was implying. Mostly not. He'd remember that terrible night for the rest of his life. He decided to ignore the question. "You're a lot more spry than I expected," he said.

"Oh, you know how it is. If anyone would, it's you." Dream let his hood fall and ran his fingers through his light brown hair, Wilbur saw a thin white streak rise and fall. "Today is the first day of the rest of my life!"

Wilbur realized what was bothering him, it was the strange, manic energy in Dream's voice.

"So he killed you?" Wilbur said.

"No. Well, yes and no. I mean, I probably would have died, I don't know, I might have lingered on, but Technoblade did me the favor of making it quick and clean. With minimal scarring." He lifted up his shirt and Wilbur saw a small circular scar the size and shape of a crossbow bolt right over his heart. "See? I've got a matching set." He held up his hand and Wilbur saw the same scar through his palm. "Admittedly, empiricism wasn't quite what I had planned when I said I wanted to experiment with it, but, I suppose, there really is no better way to understand it than to take the plunge. It is invigorating! Now I know how Tommy felt. Though, in my defense, he really had it coming."

"So Tommy had it coming and you didn't?" Wilbur couldn't hide the note of accusation in his tone. Technoblade stepped toward him.

"Don't worry, Technoblade, he's not here to kill me over Tommy. You aren't, right?"

"No. I just want to talk."

"I thought so. There's a special bond between the resurrected and their resurrector, a care and desire to protect, as Technoblade is demonstrating now. That being said, as for having it coming, Tommy killed my cat just because I loved it, Quackity killed me because I stood in the way of what he wanted. That's who he is. You know that."

"Tommy or Quackity?"


It bothered Wilbur that he couldn't contradict him.

"He's kind of the jealous type isn't he?"



"I wouldn't know."

"I would, and in my humble opinion, you can do better. You know he doesn't love you, he loves that he possesses you. He has his very own Wilbur Soot, leader of the revolution. Like a collectible."

The Blinding Light of Sunrise - TNT Duo Dream SMP AU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now