BAD MOVE - Part 2

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Kakashi knew he had fucked up bad

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Kakashi knew he had fucked up bad. For a month you had ignored him, making him try to figure out how to get you alone forcefully. He thought you got the revenge you wanted that night, but no.. Being ignored were soo much worse than what he imagined.

You on the other hand was still mad at him, mostly for ruin what was supposed to be a perfect orgasm. Your hands grabbed the bags as you walked out of the grocery store, ready to go home. The month break from the agreement had made you think about the situation more than you wanted.. You actually missed the goof more than you wanted to admit. With a heavy sigh you walked up to the appartment before unlocking the door and walking inside. You got the shoes off as you walked into the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter.

You hummed softly as you unpacked the bags, placing the foods away.  "I didn't know you liked ice cream that much?" The voice startled you as you jumped back with a yelp. Kakashi stood in the doorframe and rubbed his neck nervously. "what the hell, Kakashi!" you threw the bread at him. "ough.. It is harder than it looks" he complained. "How the hell did you even get in!?" You raised a brow and crossed your arms over your chest. "the door was unlocked" He answered simply.

"You almost gave me a freaking heart attack!" you yelled at him, still feeling your heart beat fast in your chest. "You have avoided me for a month, what else should I do?"

"eat ice cream like normal people!"

This made Kakashi chuckle. "You are cute when you get angry like that" This made you blush as you looked away. "If you are here for a fun night, I am not in the mood..." you side eyed him, wondering why he even showed up. "I am not here for that, I want to know why you are avoiding me"

"You really have to ask about that?" you looked at him with a raised brow. "are you still angry about that night?" the way he tilted his head just made him cuter. "offcourse I am, what else?"

"I know I fucked up.. I shouldn't have done it like that.." he muttered. "no, you shouldn't have... You could at least waited to when we were done?"

This made his head snap up and look at you. "soo you are not mad at the action itself, just when I did it?" You nodded. "I took revenge for that one the same night, I am more angry about the timing" you scoffed as he walked over, making you back away. "don't try it, you are not off the hook, mr" Kakashi just ignored it as he walked over until you you were trapped between him and the wall.

"I want to tell you why I did it.." he placed his arms on either side of you, making sure you were caged. "I am gonna be honest.." Your brows narrowed as he seemed to be nervous. "I wanted to test your reaction that night..."

"that much is obious" you were cut off. "apperantly not..." he looked down at you. "I wanted to see how you reacted, thinking there were someone else.. I wanted to see if you cared." he said honestly, making you confused. "why?" you almost whispered, now getting nervous about where this was heading.

"I wanted to see if you cared because I like you.. More than I should.." he muttered, not sure how to word things like this. "I know we agreed to break it off if any of us caught feelings... For the friendship.." you shaked your head.. "Thats why you did it? Because you...." you started to blush, not able to be angry with him. Kakashi just nodded and looked away a bit. "yeah.."

"baka.." you sighed before wrapping a arm around him and pulled him in to a hug. "You are the biggest Baka I know.. But I guess thats why it is mutual..." He looked down at you with narrowed brows. "mutual?"

"yeah.. Seems like we both fell into the typichal friends with benefit trap..." You saying this made the man relax in your arms. "soo.. You.." he tried to place the puzzle down. "yes.. I caught feelings too.." You let go of him and went to put away the rest of the groceries. "Soo what should we do about it?" You looked over at him when you were finnished. "What would you like to do?"

"If we do this... And it dosen't work... Will we loose the friendship? And even if we don't do it... It can ruin what we allready have" You thought out loud. "You know.. I think we should try it" you said before smiling a bit. "we know eachother well enough, soo the akward phase of it is done with" you blushed, knowing all the conditions he had seen you in throught the years. "Thats true.. And it is the most logical thing" he smiled under his mask. His blush barely visable on his exposed cheek.

"well, lets celebrate with ice cream?" You giggled as you grabbed the box. "Soo I am forgiven?" you nodded at him. "You are for now, but never sneak up on me like that again.." You smiled and grabbed his hand, taking him to the livingroom for a ice cream and movie date.

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