Chapter 7 - The Mysteries of John (Nathan's POV)

Start from the beginning

“Well, just go out and get laid then. See if that gets her off your mind.”

“Thanks Ev, thanks for your most amazing advice!” I said sarcastically before hanging up the phone on him. Thing is I actually am contemplating it.


I hadn’t done as Evan had suggested. I was very tempted though. Maybe it would help me to get Ellie off of my mind if I did call one of my old flings but…I just can’t. I don’t know why.

When I went to her apartment on Friday to check if she was ok, she looked a bit pale. Yet even in those sweat pants with her hair tied back she still looked gorgeous. Man, I had it bad for her. Then when she said she’d probably come into work this week I found myself looking out of the glass window in her door to keep checking if she came in today.

I leaned back on my leather office chair, stretched my arms then dragged my hands down my face. Today was stressful and it was only… 1:47 in the afternoon. Argh! After three meetings with clients and a meeting with the board, plus the mountain of paperwork sitting on my desk, I just wanted to collapse on my bed and sleep. I’m rubbing my eyes when I hear, well, what I think is a scream outside my office.

I should probably be worried right now but with the day I’ve been having I just can’t find it in me to care.

Walking out of my office into Ellie’s I spotted that girl Brook that always hangs around with her going up to a man and hugging him then a girl that is standing next to him. What? I’ve never seen him before so it’s obvious that he doesn’t work here and who is the little girl? They all walk over to a group of people that I’ve only just realised are standing there…and not getting any work done. It’s also then I realised that Ellie is one of the ones in the group. So she has come in today then.

I’m just about to walk out of Ellie’s office when mystery man puts his arm around Ellie’s shoulder. What the hell?! My hand is still paused on the doorknob when she looks up at him and smiles. Who is this guy?! My hand retracts from the doorknob in shock when the girl turns to Chaz, the guy that hit on me that one Christmas party which I now know why, and I get a good look at her. She looks exactly like Ellie. Ok, what the hell is going on?! Who is she and why does she look like a younger version of Ellie?! She’s got to be some relation, I tell myself but this only brings more questions to my mind as to what relation she is to her. One thought sticks out the most though; is she her daughter? No, she can’t be! The girl looks about nine which means that Ellie would’ve had her when she was sixteen or seventeen. I wouldn’t have thought Ellie would’ve had a kid at that age. You never know, the voice in the back of my head decides to point out. Damn!

Finally I put my hand on the doorknob and twist it open. Standing by the door I can hear some of the conversation but my mind is racing with thoughts of this mystery pair. I decided to make my presence known, maybe I’ll get some answers then. “Excuse me? Some of us are trying to work in this office.” The fact that they are supposed to be working and they’re not kind of pisses me off, I mean that is what I employ them for. Plus that guys arm is still around Ellie’s shoulder which I just want to rip off of her.

“Oh sorry Mr. Westwood.” Ellie’s the one to answer to me.

“Ellie? How come you’re here? I told you, you didn’t need to come in till at least tomorrow.” I try to sound as if I didn’t expect her, when inside I’m glad she’s here just even if it is with mystery man.

“I’ve come to pick up some work that I’m going to do while I’m not here. It’ll keep me occupied.”

“Oh. Ok.” Looking between her and mystery man, she notices my questioning gaze and starts to introduce us.

“Mr. Westwood this is-” She starts but he interrupts.

“John. Hi.” John?! So this is John? Now I really am not glad that he’s in my office with her. I look him up and down, noticing he’s holding his hand out for me to shake.

“Hi. Nathan Westwood, CEO.” I reply shaking his hand. And, yes I did use my title of CEO to try to be intimidating to him. I don’t think it works as he gives me a level stare. Man, this guy has guts.

“I’ll just go get my stuff John.” Ellie’s small voice breaks me out of the staring contest I have with this John guy and I follow her to her office. She doesn’t notice that I followed her into her office until she turns around and almost bumps into me. “Mr. Westwood? Er, can I help you, sir?”

“I’d just like to say Ellie that could you refrain from bringing your personal relationship up to my offices.” I didn’t want to stick around and listen to any excuses she gave so I just walked back into my office.


Photo of Tony to the side!

It's Joe Jonas.

Hope to update soon!

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