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[Seoul, at night]

Two silhouettes could be seen walking through the streets of Seoul. Their appearance veiled by shadows, nonetheless exposed their bizarrely opposing body types. The one to the left was a slender ...man? And the other one could just not be overlooked. He was at least 9, no 10 feet tall and had a very muscular build.

These two mysterious figures made their way to an apartment building which they swiftly entered. The lights in the first floor hallway were flickering as they made their way up the stairs. As they arrived on the fourth floor, they headed towards the last door in the hallway.

"This is it", as the big guy uttered those words, his legs, as big as some people's entire chest area, were already aiming towards the door.


The door fell to the ground and an immediate choir of screams lit up the usually silent night time. A woman came running out of her room and ran straight into the arms of the visitors.

As she raised her head, the realisation slowly manifested through her facial expression. Before her, were standing two monsters. One of them was a slender old man with blue skin. His ears were those of elves and he was surrounded by a chilly aura. The other one looked primitive but was built like an absolute beast. His body mostly exposed, muscles over muscles, and guess what? More muscles.

"Looks like she came straight to us" said the slender old man.

"W-w-who are you?" She barely managed to utter those words, sweating profusely.

They both smirked.

"Oh my utmost apologies for not introducing ourselves to the Mother of the Shadow Monarch..." The old man started. "I am the Monarch of Frost, and my cute little friend here is the Beast Monarch".

As those words left the mouth of the elf, Sung Jin Woo's mother trembled even more. Her eyes were filled with panic when suddenly a shadow emerged from her. It was Beru.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Beru had appeared straight in front of them.

"Oh my, it seems he thought a mere soldier of his could protect his family?" The Beast Monarch started to exude a large amount of killing intent aimed at Beru.

"This is unforgivable, I will elimi..." Beru's words were cut off by a punch aimed at his gut.

The Beast Monarch has not withheld even a bit. He punched Beru with all his strength and in one hit, destroyed his shadow immediately.

Sung's mother cried and tried to scream, but nothing came out. As she knelt on the ground, the Frost Monarch materialised a spear of ice. Without any hesitation he aimed at the woman and thereby murdered her.

The Frost Monarch took out a crystal ball that started to light up.

"We're done, what about your target?" He asked the ball.

"All done. To think he'd care about such weak people..." said a woman.


The Frost Monarch and Beast Monarch left the apartment, and just as they wanted to create a portal. An enormous aura approached them. Nighttime turned even darker, as shadows emerged from everywhere.

Sung Jin Woo, on standing on top of Kaisel, flew towards the ground with enormous speed. The landing impact left a huge crater in the middle of Seoul.

"YOU MONSTERS! Why?! Why?! WHHHYYYYYY!" Darkness enveloped Sung, the only thing left noticeable were his purple glowing eyes.

"HA, it seems as if he's not as happy about our plan" said the Beast Monarch.

Explanations? There was no need for any. Sung's mother and sister had just been killed by 3 of the Monarchs. A dark mana storm started to brew up in the skies. Sung Jin Woo leapt out of the shadow and attempted to attack, but he was blinded by rage. He didn't notice that his opponents wanted him to make that move. None of his passive skills were able to suppress his blind anger. Nothing could quell the anger in Sung's heart.

His blind attack was swiftly interrupted by a claw piercing through his entire body.

Querehsha laughed as she ran her claws through Sung's body a second time.

"The Shadow Monarch is finally dead"

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