Chapter 6

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(Azure p.o.v)

I slowly open my eyes I feel something wet on my cheek I open my eyes fully and see a dog thong I push Bridget off me and turn my head to the other side to be blind by the sun "give me," one of my sister's yell "Alfredo is my pet not your," Kali yells I look at Bridget "why'd you have to wake me up now," I mutter to the dog "finder's keepers loses weepers," a 5 year old yells I roll my eyes kiss Bridget's nose "you killed me," yells Skye "children calm down," Mum tells them not use to all the yelling I look at my alarm clock why I have one I don't know 9:27 a.m. I look at my phone I have 6 texts

How are you #missyougirl

From Quinn

Love your cousin is coming over at 6 a.m.

From uncle Dannie

I'm coming over

From Finny

Can you let me in the house

From Drew

Good morning beautiful

From the swagger Jack

I have been talking to Jack for a few weeks now he seems sweet but I haven't seen him again we just text it's like my other friends

Get your arse up now school in a hour

From Da Da at 5:04 a.m.
( It deleted all of what I wrote from here so it might not be as good)

I look at the data Monday Jan 5 2015 I get out of bed put my hair in a messy bun and walk out of my room Nash has on a soccer jersey patriots of course and black jeans Skye has on his pjs Kali has on a grey over size guys shirt from xxvi and black baggy jeans with her snake Alfredo in her hand Kasey has on Cameron Dallas sweatpants a Hayes hoodie she is holding a I heart Carter pillow and a Nash Grier throw blanket Mum has on a sweater dress and black heels Finn has on almost the same shirt as Kali but black and joggers from XXVI Gia has her hair in a braid bun and a floral print dress and fashionable boots I have on a green day hoodie and Hayes sweatpants "good girl are bad girl that hasn't been," Holly sings she has on a 5 seconds of summer hoodie and galaxy leggings I close my door and walk down the stairs with Bridget and to the kitchen Carter has breakfast layed out "you know there late," I tell him Allyson is sat down eating the food on her plate "they still have to go to school," he tells me back " I can get the little ones dress," I tell him he nods his head I go back up the stairs and get the little kids in their uniform khaki pants and a solid color shirt I go to my room grab my phone "I'll drive the little ones to school," I yell to Carter Da is at work but I don't know were daddy is "Lucas,Lilly,Levi,Neil and Luke came on," I yell they all come out of there room we go to the van "can you take Kasey to school too," Carter asks I nod my head Kasey runs out her backpack on one shoulder a black polo shirt, khaki pants and Nike air blue and grey high tops,5 bracelets on her left wrist Joy came out a few seconds after her Joy has on a union Jack tank top and black ripped skinny jeans Kasey jumps in the back by Luke and Neil Joy goes in the passenger seat we drive off to Kasey acting school I pull in park the car right by the door probably were you can't park but O'well I get out with Kasey and walk in it looks like a big film place we go to the administration office it has pictures of plays they did here "hi how can I help you," the lass asks looking at us with a smile "my sister Kasey it's her first day," I tell her looking at a poster "first day and later already," she joked I laugh Kasey just rolls her eyes with a smile on her face I look at the clock 10:59 a.m. "guess I need a different driver," Kasey jokes seating down "I'm the best you can't find no one better," I keep the joke going " I have 6 other options," she tells me "I don't think a pregnant woman will drive you," I tell her seeing what she will say next " fine I have 5 other people to drive me," she fights back "first,middle and last name,Age, Grade," she asks me "Kasey willow King,12 and Grade 7th," I answers the questions being asks "do you like to be called another name sweetie," the lass asks her " I like to be called K.K," she lied no one has ever called her that except William Patterson her best friend "here is your schedule Zack help her to her classes," the lass told a 8th grade boy I walk out and back to the car we go to the elementary school Joy grabs Luke and Neil I get Lilly,Lucas and Levi we all hold hands I walk in the building I walk through the two glasses doors in to the office smiling face look up at us "Hi I'm sorry we are so late. But we are here," I greet I look at the clock on the far wall 11:32 a.m. it hands are on damm they have a old clock "it quite fine it can happen every month one time," she tries calming me down "names,middle,last,age one at a time please," she asks polite "Lucas Casper King,5 years old," I tell her looking at Lucas "I like your British accent," she tries to make small talk I thank her " Lucas will be in Mr.Sullivan's room," she informs me "Levi Casper King,5 years old," I tell her is looks it up but quicker "Mrs.Flasher's room for Levi," she says another teacher's room "what are all there name's," she asks "Lucas,Luke,Lilly,Neil and Levi," I tell her we go through them all Miss.Freeman which is Lilly's teacher, is Neil's teacher,Mr.Sullivan is Lucas teacher,Levi has Mrs.Flasher "what about Luke," I ask the lass maybe she forgot him "It says here he is home schooled," she informs me I nod my head we walk down the hallway doors on both sides of us white brick with a purple thick line in the middle of the walls this hallway is never ending a few decks in the hall we pass a big P.E room a awesome music room a lunch room it has like picnic benches in it a subway a pizza thing and a hold bunch of other food that looks delicious and smells so good we pass 2 grade class rooms and prK we pass kindergarten we finally get to the first grade and send all the kids to there class room Joy holds Luke and we go back home

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