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Nxt day:

Laksh and sanskar went to meet swara. When they went to baadi sanskar went to see swara, when laksh also starts to go dadi calls him and talk about his career and all. He became annoyed. That time ragu came there and shocked seeing him there. Dadi went away allow them to talk.

Laksh:actually ragini ohh

Ragu:ji boliye.

Laksh:god damnit. I can't talk to her. She is not even seeing my face yaar. He pouts seeing her. Actually I will go now, I hve important wrk. He went away.

Sanskar: god where will I search that swara.

Swara:who r u. Why r u searching me.

Sanskar:ur swara ryt.

Swara:yeah so u

Sanskar:hi I'm sanskar. He shake hands with her. Actually I want to talk to u about my brother.

Swara:who is ur brother.

Sanskar:laksh.he is my brother.

Swara:oh ur that jerk's brother.

Sanskar:excuse me ur talking abt my brother.
I want to talk abt his marriage.

Swara:look I will stop this mrg no matter wt.

Sanskar:wait a min. Actually I want help in that. So will u come to cafe.

Swara:kk I will come there. Sanskar left from there. When he went ragu also came from kitchen she slips and abt to fall down that time someone hold her waist prevent from falling. Ragu close her eyes in fear of falling when she did not touch the ground she slowly open her eyes and stare the person who hold her. Ragu struggles in his hold. But that person did not leave her and stare her without blinking his eyes and that is none other than our sanky😆😆. Ragu step his foot he leave her in pain.

Ragu:wt r u dng here?

Sanky:he don't know ragu is laksh's fiance. Actually I came to meet my friend.

Ragu:fine then why the hell u came to my house.

Sanky:excuse me

Ragu:yeah ur excused. Now plz get lost.

Sanky:at least u can say thanks for helping u.

Ragu:did I ask ur help. No ryt. He nodded no. then why should I say thanks. U should thank me that I allow u to help me. She went away attitudely.

Sanky:god I thought she is introvert.But she toh jungle billi yaar. Then both laksh and sanskar went to their house planning to meet swara in evening.

Ragu's room:

God I don't know why I'm getting this much angry. I know ki no one loves me genuinely. They r just with me for their advantages. I hve to move from here soon. That time ragu's nose starts bleeeing. She wipes that and wash her face and  get relaxed.


Rose cafe:arjun, sanky, laksh and neil waits at cafe for swara. She also came and sit with them. All the girls in the cafe saw swara with jealous.

Swara:so say fast wt do u want to talk to me abt ragu.

Sanky:actually wt do u think abt ur friend and laksh marriage.

Swara:why r u asking my opinion.

Arjun:plz say na.

Sanky and his friends don't know laksh's fiance is ragu.

Swara:fine look I know ur brother is not a gud guy for my friend. She is very innocent. He is not a correct match for her.

Neil:grt then u also don't like this mrg like my friend laksh.

Swara:who r u?

Neil:hi I'm Neil, u know sanky and lucky ryt. And he is arjun. We r friends forever. Then they all shake hands.

Swara:why he don't like this mrg.

Laksh:bcoz not ur friend I don't want to mry any girl now. First I want to get success in my career. I want to achieve my aim. If mrg happens it will be a diversion for me. I can't concentrate on my career. That's why I don't want to get mry.

Swara:fine then we will plan something and stop the mrg but without hurting my friend.

Arjun:so whether ur friend loves lucky.

Swara:no she did not tell anything like that. Love is not a cup of tea for her.

Neil:kk then we should plan soon to stop this mrg.

They all joined their hands together and enjoyed in the cafe and swara went to her house and boys went to club.


Boys went to club and enjoyed there. They drinks, dance and sings together. All the girls are falling on them and even boys were enjoying.

Then boys became tired and went to sit in chair. Tht time boys raise their head and shocked to see the person in front of them.

That's all guyz. I hope u like this part. Actually I'm very busy nowadays. That's why I can't update my stories regularly. But whenever I get time I will update my stories. Thank u so much everyone for supporting me till now.

Bye bye👋see u soon in nxt part.

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