"You!" She screamed, and actually pointed at him, making everyone turn to look at them. The people in the crowd stirred, for Loki's actions on New York were most certainly not forgotten. But how they had gotten his face, she didn't know.

"He was here.." One Midgardian said and the rest of the people around him started whispering too.

"Nearly destroyed.... I remember..."

"The avengers... Stark!"


"Thor's brother..

"...but who's that..?"

"Avengers! We should call them.. right?"

The people in the crowd started to panic, a few actually spoting Loki in the process. Thankfully for the gods, Midgardians were remarkably slow to act.

Loki looked around. "Ah shit."

"Run!" Sylvie said before she grabbed and Loki's hand.

They broke into a run. Both of them being Asgardian gods, they ran faster than your average Midgardian. But there was no need for that, no one was chasing them anyway. Yet.

They ran, far, far from the panicking people. They pushed through the crowds and Loki even pushed a few away with his magic, but they were going too far for the people of New York to notice it was him. They did notice the car that Loki made fly though the air at one point though. Once they were far enough away, they stopped in an alley, catching thier breath.

It wasn't completely deserted, there were windows looking into the alley, but no one was poking their head out and, currently, no one walked though there. Sylvie and Loki leaned on the same wall, side by side, trying to catch their breath after running so fast.

Sylvie chuckled. "Uh, Loki? You can let go of my hand now."

"Oh right." Loki said, letting of her hand. "Sorry."

"Do you think anyone chased after us?" She asked him. She risked taking a peak out of the alley.

"No way." He said rakishly as humans passed them, but the crowds barely noticed them. "Trust me on this, the people of Midgard are incredibly slow."

"Well, let's hope you're right."

"I always am."

Sylvie snorted. She would disagree but she didn't have the energy for it at the moment. The goddess slid down into the ground, they were pretty far from the Stark tower and therefore had traveled quite the distance.

"You couldn't have enchant them to forget they saw me, darling?" Loki asked, sliding down on the ground next to her.

"And miss seeing you run?"

"Oh you.." Loki said as he chuckled and shook his head, making his black hair move.

Sylvie smiled. "I thought of it, but it was too many people. Although, Midgardian minds are simple."

"We could have done it, together."

She nodded. "You're right-"

"Did you just agree with me?" Loki said, looking jokingly flattered.


"Darling! I never thought I would see the day-"

She punched his arm. "Oh shut up."

Loki chuckled, smiling a smile that made Sylvie smile too.

"Plus, you have to admit, it was pretty funny how they all panicked when I made that wheeled thing fly in the air." Loki said proudly.

Loki And Sylvie One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now