Chapter 9 - Study Groups

Start from the beginning

"Ayanokouji, Kouenji, would you be willing to take a group each as well? You clearly are the smartest in the class, so if you could help that would be a huge benefit." Oh, poor Hirata, you have disturbed a sleeping bear.

"And why should we do such a thing, Hirata-boy? It is true that our academic prowess is unrivalled in our year, but I see no reason for the two of us to lead a study group."

"Unfortunately, I must agree with Kouenji here. There is no benefit that we receive for giving up our personal time to help those failing. Whether they fail or not, I have no interest in helping."

"Ayanokouji, Kouenji, please, if you could help out it would be amazing. I don't wish to see any of my friends leave, and don't you want to help the class? Surely you care about us a little!" Ah, Kushida was dangerous. Asking for our help whilst indirectly making us enemies to the class if we refused. But that would only work on people who cared for social standing, like her. Those who base their lives and beliefs around one objective cannot ever truly understand people who don't.

"It seems the devil is still pretending to be an angel, despite falling further than any other."

"Wouldn't that make her your master, demon-boy? The two-faced bitch is darker than you can ever be hahaha."

At our claims her face broke into shock horror. As quickly as that happened, she recomposed herself and pouted with a sad face, a couple of tears forming in her eyes.

"Oi, don't call Kushida-chan a devil!" "Don't be mean to Kushida-chan!" "If anyone is a bitch it's you two for not helping!" And the clowns arrive to defend their angel.

"As we have made clear, there is no social obligation for us to help, and you have nothing we want. Your negotiating position is worthless, Hirata. Consider your options before advancing next time." And with that, Kouenji and I withdrew from the conversation for the moment. Although, I wasn't done yet. I had foreseen the outcome of this discussion based on the attitudes of three boys. And it would be much more fun to keep listening.

"I suppose that's your choice then. Well, I guess we should start forming groups then."

"Why do we have to listen to you! I don't need to do anything you say. Maybe I won't study at all, and just cram the night before. It's worked for me so far."

"Yeah, shut up Hirata! We can study on our own."

"We don't need your help!"

Sudou, Ike and Yamauchi all speaking out. While Sudou had stayed away from them to an extent, it seemed it was an inevitability for him to be drawn into their orbit and dragged down.

"Don't bother studying alone. I will personally tutor the three of you." The ice queen Horikita had spoken. Her voice was at a new level of cold, and her gaze was boring into the three of them.

"Oh, now this is fun. Hirata, you wanted my cooperation? I will help Horikita tutor them." I put myself back in the conversation.

"Wait, hold on we never agreed in the first place."

"Yeah, why would we be tutored by you two, you're both horrible."

"I don't think you particularly have a choice. Ike, Yamauchi, Sudou I expect to see you three at the library this afternoon. I will personally drag you to passing if it kills me." She shot me a glare, as if saying, 'why are you involved we will discuss this later'. I suppose that's fair enough. I had interrupted and inserted myself into her tutoring group, so I may as well make myself useful.

But there was only one outcome for this group of students.

It was inevitable to fall apart.


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