" Off I go, Mia. Take care."


"...don't sulk like that. Maybe we should just skip this meeting? I'll buy you your favorite food." Juan stood beside Y/N's desk, his hand leaning flat on it while his other hand held the files he's about to hand out later in the meeting.

"Sulk? I'm fine, Juan. Just let me breathe," she grabs his hand and stood up. "It's common, right? It's just not common for me, that's why I'm scared," Y/N laughs it off and furrows her eyebrows, "Now's time to work!"

Juan could've swore she's a different person, and another different person once she's in the meeting room.

The first time they met, Y/N was a weirdo in everyone's eyes. Juan was too, but a different kind of weirdo. It's to be expected, she was a newbie there, and never talked, hence the weird stares from people who aren't used to her. She was never assigned for meetings because the manager thought it'd be a bad idea, until Juan, one day, decided to not involve himself in a meeting, and Y/N was the only person left to choose. It's a small... rather lazy company.

Juan vividly remember it; when he entered the meeting room with no single care in the world, Y/N's proud voice in the air and the awe everyone gave her. She was so amazing, the whole room never even noticed Juan walking in. Instantly, everyone sees her with a different eye.

As a weird way of thanking him, Y/N always make it rule number one for the manager to make Juan her partner whenever she's told to go to meetings. He's great at backing up things, such as slip ups and difficult questions, and Y/N needs that. To the manager, they're life savers that could help the company grow.


"You were amazing."

"Oh, thank you!" Y/N smiles, "That's a pretty rare word, especially from people like you."

"Wait," Y/N's smile falters, "you look familiar. Aren't you the hospital's receptionist?"

"Oh, you're really Miss L/N? I thought the name and face was just a coincidence," a new, yet old smile gets recognized by Y/N.

Green eyes, black hair, with the body Juan complimented and envied; his name is Eden, huh. Y/N never knew that, the name on the receptionist table was a different one, probably because they switch shifts and couldn't care much about the name.

"So you work here? I'm guessing you'll be at the hospital later, same as me," he arch his back, a small smile on his face now.

"Yeah! Oh, you're taller than I thought."

"Well, the floor on our side is lower. For more room behind the desk, if that makes any sense," he mention, "I don't see your friend around, do you want me to give you a ride? I wouldn't mind."

The offer sounds nice to Y/N; Juan looked bothered earlier in the meeting, might be a good idea to not ask for his help and let him rest.

"I'd love that, thanks for the offer," Y/N smiles, "You just sit tight near my desk right there, I'll be right back!" After pointing at said desk, Y/N catches up to Juan to the manager's office.

i like the feeling of your skin on my tongue.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora