32. Stupid Empty Brain

Start from the beginning

Pink_Camera: she had designers block, if that's a thing 

I_Hate_Spiders: so u told her to make something that flashes?

Pink_Camera: yup 

I_Hate_Spiders: bad idea

Pink_Camera: o_o

I_Hate_Spiders: Tweak come with me 

Screws&Bolts: ...where?

I_Hate_Spiders: idk 

I_Hate_Spiders: just come

Screws&Bolts: ok...

Screws&Bolts: can Dashi come too 

I_Hate_Spiders: no 

Pink_Camera: :/

Screws&Bolts: uh, why?

I_Hate_Spiders: cos

Screws&Bolts: that's not an answer 

I_Hate_Spiders: pretty sure u used it as an answer a minute ago

Screws&Bolts: ...FINE. 

Pink_Camera: this conversation is hilarious XD

I_Hate_Spiders: shut up Dashi 

Screws&Bolts: stop being mean to Dashi 

Pink_Camera: it's ok Tweak, I have better things to be doing than getting tortured by Kwazii 

I_Hate_Spiders: c'mon Tweak, let's go 

Screws&Bolts: ...

I_Hate_Spiders: what?

Screws&Bolts: where r u taking me?

I_Hate_Spiders: it's a surprise ;)

Screws&Bolts: a good surprise? 

I_Hate_Spiders: don't u trust me? 

Screws&Bolts: no 

Pink_Camera: XD

I_Hate_Spiders: fair enough 

I_Hate_Spiders: come on Tweak, I'm trying to help

Screws&Bolts: where r u anyway?

I_Hate_Spiders: in the Gup A

Screws&Bolts: ok 

Pink_Camera: have fun guys!

Screws&Bolts: ok... 

                              Pink_Camera has logged off

I_Hate_Spiders: we're here!

Screws&Bolts: an island?

I_Hate_Spiders: yup 

Screws&Bolts: what r we here for?

I_Hate_Spiders: look ;)

Screws&Bolts: Kwazii - woah 

I_Hate_Spiders: told u 

Screws&Bolts: it's so pretty 

I_Hate_Spiders: I knew u would like it 

Screws&Bolts: I love sunsets 

I_Hate_Spiders: :) 

Screws&Bolts: Kwazii?

I_Hate_Spiders: yeah?

Screws&Bolts: you're it!

I_Hate_Spiders: huh? Oh!

Screws&Bolts: u can't catch me!

I_Hate_Spiders: yes I will

Screws&Bolts: not gonna happen, kitty cat 

I_Hate_Spiders: oh yeah? Well, umm...

Screws&Bolts: don't have a comeback for that?

I_Hate_Spiders: ...no. not really. 

Screws&Bolts: ;)

I just had mental images of Kwazii chasing Tweak around an island at sunset. PS: this was not Twazii, this is just friendship stuff. I don't like shippings. Not any of them. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! PPS: the next chapter is a sequel. 

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