Shin closed his eyes and grinned brightly. "But I know that isn't true now. I just didn't meet the right people at that time. My friends and family taught me that there are good people. Especially Haruto, who taught me that there's someone out there for you. Suzuki Haruto, the man who I share my life with, saved me multiple times and I could never be grateful enough. My feelings only keep growing and growing for him, he is the man I fell in love with. He didn't know who I truly was at the beginning, but despite that, he accepted me and continued to follow me when he didn't have to. I wondered...I was always napping all the time back then, what could he have found interesting?"

Shin chuckles and continues, "I guess love just works in mysterious ways. It did for the both of us. One thing I can say for sure is that man taught me how to trust and fall in love again. He taught me it's okay to be different and be myself. For Haruto, I would do anything. He deserves everything and I will give everything to him. To see that man smile and laugh, I would do everything in my power."

With a devoted and honest gaze, he said four words.

"I love Suzuki Haruto."


"How did you fall in love?"

Haruto hums thoughtfully and asks. "Would you believe me if I told you our love transcends through space and time? Heh~"

Haruto clears his throat and answers more clearly. "I used to be a man that feared commitment because I believed nothing lasts forever. That's true, but Shin taught me that there is something that can last forever. He taught me it was okay to fall in love and hold onto something. Love isn't a burden, it's something I want to protect. Shin, he's worth it. No, he's more than that."

Haruto weakly laughed, though loving and wiped the tear from the corner of his eye. "Being with him always feels like home. He makes me feel special, that I actually have worth in this world. He gave me a meaning and a reason to use my strength for love. I'm grateful and always will be."

Nobody could doubt his genuine and devoted gaze.

"I love Nakamura Shin."


The ceremony ended without any problem. Both the Nakamura and Suzuki family have united and celebrated the joyous occasion as one, harmonious with no single room for division.

A few close friends they consider as family came along as well, merry over the union. They could finally join the reception after the private ceremony. Everyone gathers for the meal inside a traditional Japanese dining room. With Shin and Haruto changing into suits.

"Congratulations once again, Naka-I mean, Suzuki and Suzuki." Yuuji chuckles.

"Thank you, Yuuji-san."

"Mhm, thank you Yuuji-kun."


Haruto chuckles. "Might want to take care of Keikō pen-kun."

Yuuji's hand was already rubbing Kei's back before Haruto even said that, patting. "There, there Kei."

"C-Congratulations...waa..." Kei sobs and falls into Yuuji's arms, preventing himself from wailing louder by burying his face on Yuuji's shoulder. The two were matching black suits as well. Haruto covered his mouth with his hand, his husband beside him mouth hanging open.

Haruto wiggles his eyebrow at Yuuji. Did it finally work!!? Are they finally-



Haruto squints his eyes at Yuuji. Yuuji looks back at him as if he's been defeated and shrugged. He looked like he was about to cry himself, but held back.

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