My Stalkers Say I'm The Trollhunter Part 1

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​​​​​​​A/N: This amazing art piece belongs to MadJesters1 on Deviant Art.

Tick Tick Tick

It was about 5am by the time you came trudging up to your door in the early morning light. You looked at the knocked over at your trash cans that got knocked over during the fight, and sighed.

"I'm just gonna blame this on the racoons."

You also noticed your mom's car parked in the driveway. She must have come home at some point during the 2 hours you were out. Hopefully she didn't notice you were missing, and just went straight to bed. You really didn't want to have to explain all your injuries to her, and there's no doubt she'd freak out about it.

You entered the house, glad the downstairs floor wasn't creaky, and shut the wooden door softly behind you. You carefully bent down, your body aching in protest, and took off your mud caked shoes. You don't even recall how they got so dirty, but you'd have to clean them later.

You placed them by the shoe rack, and looked around. It was dark in the house as none of the lights were on. Only the dim light of the early morning allowed you to see where you were going.

You headed for the stairs eager to just take a shower, and squeeze in a nap before school. You planned on carrying out the day business as usual, not letting anyone know about what happened this morning. You didn't want anyone, especially Jim or your mom, getting dragged into this. You also really needed to get some sleep for your wrestling match that you had after school.

You made your way quickly and quietly up the creaky stairs, and started down the even creakyer wooden hallway. You just passed you mom's room, when suddenly her light turned on. You froze mid sneak, and turned your head slowly to meet her angry gaze. The fire in her blue eyes shines even brighter than her fiery red hair. She stood there in her dirty hospital scrubs, arms crossed.

"Where on earth have you been, young lady?"

You store up from your sneaking position, and stand there awkwardly.

"I just went out for a jog..." You evaded.

"Don't you normally do that at 5:30?"

"Okay,it was an early jog. So what?"

"Early? (Y/n), I came home at 4am to find my daughter missing. I drove around the whole area, and couldn't find you anywhere. You had me worried sick! So just tell me where you really were."

"I really was just out on a jog. I just want to get some sleep, so can we just do this later?"

"No! Not when I can tell you're lying to me!"

You tried to walk away, but she pulled you back by one of your arms. You let out a Yelp as pain flared up your arm from one of your injuries. She immediately let go, and her anger quickly turned to concern.

"You're hurt! What happened?"

Tick Tick Tick

"It's nothing, ok? I just tripped on my jog." You said defensively.

You tried walking away again, but she grabbed you by your good arm and dragged you into the light of her room. She gasped immediately at the sight, and started fussing over you.

"Oh my lord, (y/n)! What happened?! How did you get so hurt?! Why didn't you tell me?!" She worried frantically.

You swatted her hands away, and backed up with your arms crossed in a defensive posture.

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