Love and Tea (Destiel)

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Castiel walked around the bunker bored, since he became human that emotion came to him often, he didn't know why, because God gave them so much to do, but here he is sitting in the library trying to read after walking around for the 30th time, Dean and Sam were on a hunting trip of possession by ghost so basically a haunted object. Cas got left behind because Dean didn't think he was ready for hunting yet, of course Cas tried to change his mind but Dean being the stubborn man he is, still wanted Cas to stay. 

Cas was reading a book in the library, well trying to read a book, lately he keeps thinking of Dean, of course he didn't understand, but he started to understand when the thoughts became sexual, he put the book pack in on the shelf, went to the kitchen to get his mind off this thought, he went to the kitchen to see if he could cook something up, since he found that humans needed food to survive, he didn't mind it though he loved eating human food, problem is he didn't know how to cook anything so he just made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but he wanted something different to drink. 

Cas looked into the cabinets to find something drinkable, he found this box that was labeled with the word "Green Tea" it piqued his interest, the instructions said to boil some water, put some water in a cup and put the tea bag in the cup, Cas got a pot out and put some water in it, when it was done he tried to put the water in the cup instead the water splashed back burning his hand he dropped the pot throwing his hand back, making the box laying right on the stove where he forgot to turn it off, the box caught on fire, Cas was freaking out confused on what to do, he remembered about the fire extinguisher on the wall, he yank it off the wall and sprayed every where. 

The whole kitchen was sprayed in white, even his hair and clothes were white, he started backing up, from the stove forgetting the pot he threw, he tripped over it hitting the ground hard.


Everything went black 

"Come on Cas! WAKE UP!" 

"Dean" Cas thought he was slowly waking up, once his eyes were fully open, he could see Dean and Sam hovering over him, looking worried.

"What happened?" Cas said as he sat up on the couch, he touched his head only to find that he had stitches in it 

"We don't know, we found you on the floor with blood around your head" Sam said coming into the room with an ice pack and handing it to Cas. 

Cas was just as confused as them, he barely remember what happened, was humans really this forgetful, being human was really confusing for Cas, but he just loved the memories of being human. 

"Cas you ok? What happened" Dean said with concerned in his voice 

"I- don't know" Cas was blacking out, with that he fainted 

Cas woke up again but this time he was in Deans room, in Deans arm, it was nice in his arms, it made Castiel blush maybe it was a human feeling that he was feeling, it was weird to him but he loved that feeling, he looked over to his right and saw a cup of tea, with a note saying "Next time, you should ask me to make you some"

Castiel smiled at the note and drunk the tea he liked it, next time he would surely ask Dean to make him some, he hopes this is a start to a relationship. 

(This didn't turn out the way I wanted it too, but it happens, and writing is hard I don't know how writers do it)

Shyan, Gandrew, Destiel, Sabriel, Michifer OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now