I wish she knew...

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A/N: This is kind of a second part to the previous chapter, but Instead, its Conan's POV. Just to clarify, this happens after they had already graduated Highschool, and they are in their 3rd year at college. Enjoy! Also, I recommend listening to the song first (this video is a masterpiece 😩🖐)

Conan's POV:

I was walking through the park, enjoying my day, I had a coffee in my hand and a book on the other. I loved sitting in the park, reading and drinking coffee, and at the same time jus sit there and watch people, because I think it's fun.

I found a bench and sat down, I placed my coffee in the bench, grabbed my book and started reading the page I left off. 

I read and drank my coffee, and when I finished it, I closed my book and set it aside to watch people. I saw many dogs, kids playing around, people studying and couples. I saw a particular couple who was sitting by a tree, talking and laughing, the girl was very familiar to me but I couldn't quite recognize her, that was until she turned around, it was her, y/n...

When I saw her, so many memories were brought up...


I was walking by with my friends, we all sat on a bench talking, I could feel someone was looking at me, I was looking around eyeing the people there, when I suddenly locked eyes with a girl I have seen before, Y/N, I starred at her, but her friend interrupted. I heard one of my friends say:

Ryan: Dude, are you there?

Conan: Um yeah, what were you saying?

Ryan: I was talking about the party on Saturday, are you coming?

Conan: Uhm yeah sure  

Peter: Why are you so distracted? Who are you looking at?

Ryan: Is it a girl?

Conan: No, just forget it

Peter: Wait, was it that girl over there, the one who is sitting with her friend?

Ryan: Well, Conan, do you still want the shoes you saw at the mall the other day?

Conan: Umm yeah why?

Ryan: Want to bet $500 to date her? 

Conan: No Ryan, this is bad, I wouldn't want to hurt her. 

Peter: You are not going to hurt her, she is just going to date you, it's not like you are going to falling in love are you? 

Conan: No, but I don't like the idea of this.

Ryan: C'mon Conan, don't be so boring, besides, It'll only be until after graduation.

Conan: All right then, I'm in.

Ryan: Deal.

End of flashback


I was with Y/N, we were in my car watching the city lights, they were so beautiful and we were both enjoying this time together. I had y/n wrapped around my arm, she was laying in my chest. It was crazy how I agreed to the bet, but I still believe this is a bad idea, why? I fell in love with her, every single thing about this girl was so mesmerizing, she is smart, beautiful, kind and mostly she drives me crazy, I still can't believe I feel in love with her, but with someone like that, I couldn't resist. My friends did not know I was actually in love with her, and honestly I wouldn't want to tell them, because I would be loosing the bet, but another part of me wanted to tell them that I did not want to continue with the bet. 

There was silence in the car, but it was comfortable, when Y/N spoke:

Y/N: I love spending time with you, I could stay like this forever.

Conan: Would you really?

Y/N: Yes, you and me, city lights, your arm wrapped around me just starring at the view and enjoying it, sounds like a movie does it?

Conan: It does actually.

Y/N: I love spending time with you, Cone.

Conan: And I love you, my dear Y/N

I grabbed her cheek and gently moved closer to her face, admiring the eyes I could get lost in and would never find my way out because they are so pretty,  closed my eyes and kissed her. Everything was so magical, fireworks were exploding in my stomach. I could also stay like this forever if I could, but the thought of having to let her go because its a bet, bugged me.

End of flashback

Conan's POV:

Present day

I saw her with another guy, she looked so happy with him, they held hands, he brushed his fingers through her soft hair and he also hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, it made me feel bad, but the worst thing, is that he looked like me, brown curly hair, same eyes, similar smile and we had similar style. The truth is that it really hurts seeing her being held by another guy's arms, when that could be, if only I could go back in time and fix my mistake, I never stopped loving her, 

I hope I run through her mind while she looks at him

I hope she remembers that I held her just like he does

I wish she knew I love her like he does, maybe even more

I hope she remembers how I smiled when I was around her

I hope in her head, she sees me instead, because he looks a lot like me

I wish I could admit that she has been in mine every single day since then

I wish she knew she wasn't just a bet

I wish she knew she was the one I loved, love and will forever love

I wish she knew...

A/N; Besties, In advance, I'm SO SORRY if this made you cry, it made me cry to lol

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