Chapter 1. Thought "He pretty cute"

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I was awoken by the piercing sound of my alarm clock. God, I hated the sound of that thing. I let out a slight groan not wanting to get out of my warm bed. It was the first day of my last year here at Hogwarts and honestly, I'd be lying if I said that the thought of leaving at the end of this year didn't make me feel sad. Hogwarts had become my home and I had met so many amazing people throughout my years.

I turned over to see that my roommate, who also happened to be my best friend, Keira was still asleep. I figured I'd wake her so I walked over to her bed and shook her awake. "What is it?" She said with a sleepy voice and slight groan.

I rolled my eyes and let out a giggle, Keira's never been a morning person, neither have I to be fair.

"Well good morning to you too, we have exactly fifteen minutes to get ready before we're late for our first day."

With that, she immediately got out of bed, she hated being late class.

I walked over to my closet and took out my clothes. I pulled on my grey skirt along with my black tights and white blouse. I made sure to do my green tie perfectly. I hurriedly brushed through my light brown hair and made two quick twist braids on either side of my head. I slipped on my new Mary Jane shoes I'd bought over the summer, grabbed my black and green cloak and put that on too.

I was sorted into Slytherin, if you couldn't already tell. I didn't tend to put on much makeup on school days I put on some concealer, blush and lip gloss.

I checked my schedule to see what my first class of the day was and it happened to be Defence against the dark arts. I remember Professor Snape mentioning we were going to have a new Professor when we returned, as he happened to be stepping down from teaching DADA. I was excited to see who it was going to be.

Me and Keira realised that we had two minutes before class started. We hurriedly grabbed our bags and wands and we were out of the door in a matter of seconds. We ran, well more like speed walked, to the class. We happened to arrive two minutes past nine. Upon entering the class, I realised that most of the class was already filled up.

My eyes shifted to the dark haired man sat at the front of the class. He seemed young, like he happened to be in his 20's. So this must be our new professor. I'd be lying if I said he wasn't attractive. He observed me for a brief second before saying, "Please take a seat ladies, we haven't got all day." There were two empty seats in the front row which me and Keira walked over to and sat down in. He instructed us to open our books and got started with the first chapter straight away. Damn, no introduction or nothing.

I generally got straight A's in DADA and quite enjoyed it to be honest. I tried to follow along what he was teaching but I often caught myself staring at him and had to snap myself out of it.

"He's hot" whispered Keira.

I let out a light giggle, "very" I whispered back.

"Something that you'd like to share with the rest of the class?"

I looked up to see Professor Riddle towering over me with an annoyed expression.

"Er, no sir" was all I managed to let out. Damn he smelt so good.

Class was over and we were shoving our books in our bags ready to leave. "Please stay behind Ms. Coldstone" Professor Riddle said whilst going through papers on his desk not bothering to look up. I told Keira I'd meet her in the great hall and stood behind my desk waiting for the last few students to finish leaving. The sound of the door closing made him look up at me and start walking towards me until only my desk was between the two of us.

"Sit" he said. I did as I was told and took a seat whilst he once again towered over me.

"You were late today and I don't tolerate that, nor do I tolerate students talking amongst themselves whilst I'm teaching" He said, his eyes still on me.

"I apologise for my behaviour today sir, I assure you it won't happen again" I let out nervously. For some reason his presence felt intimidating.

"I've checked your grades over your previous years in DADA and you are certainly doing well, I don't expect anything less understood?"

"Yes sir"

"Good girl" he said and I felt my cheeks growing hot.

"Well I'd better get to my next class and so should you" and with that he was out of the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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