Chapter 2

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 Welcome To Torch Creek, the sign read.

"So this is it?" Zoe's eyes scanned the small town through the car window. Brick buildings lined the sides of the main street, which was dotted with antique lampposts and dogwood trees. Had they traveled back in time?

"Unimpressed, I take it? I thought it looked quaint."

"That's one word for it." Zoe craned her neck to watch an old man sitting on a bench, talking to himself as they drove past. She opened her mouth to remark on it but took in a deep breath instead.

"Just promise me you'll give it a chance before deciding I ruined your life."

"I'll try ..." Zoe let out a dramatic sigh as the car turned down a residential street.

"Fourth house on the right." Claire glanced down at a wrinkled paper with scribbled directions. "4012 Gethsemane Street, Torch Creek, Virginia. This is our new home."

Zoe stood in the driveway surveying the house. It was a small, two-story, brick Victorian that was just this side of showing up in a horror movie. If it hadn't been for the cheery yellow lilies and freshly-painted front door, she would have expected Casper to pop up and give them the tour.

"All it needs is an eerie fog and spider webs and we'd be set for Halloween," Claire giggled as she walked to the porch.

"Is that supposed to be a positive?" Zoe hoisted her bag onto her shoulder and fell in step with her aunt.

Before they could knock, the door was thrown open and they were met by short grey hair and a smiling face. "You must be Claire." The plump woman yanked Claire into a hug before she could answer. "And you must be Zoe." Zoe stifled a moan as the breath was squeezed from her lungs by the woman's embrace. "So sorry about your parents, dear." Her condolence quickly faded into her previous large smile as she ushered the two inside. "I'm Abigail, the landlady, and I think you two are going to be right at home here. Let me show you around."

Following Abigail through the old house, Zoe's hand brushed over the mantel of a large stone fireplace, pulling off a layer of dust. She wiped it on her faded jeans as she tried not to trip on the paisley area rug that lay faded in the middle of the living room. Her index finger traced the line of a thin crack she found in the plaster walls leading into the small kitchen. The smell of sugar cookies tickled her nose, only to disappoint when she saw it was a candle burning on the counter rather than fresh-baked goodness. Stairs led from a small hallway between the two rooms to the second floor.

Upstairs, a gentle breeze was blowing the white curtains in what would be Zoe's room. There was a four-poster bed, a small dresser and an empty set of shelves. Once again, she let her fingers wipe away settled dust, this time from the bookcase, and imagined how she would fill the space. She had to admit it was charming, and a smile crept across her face before grief stole it away in an instant. Mom would have liked this house. She choked back tears and went to find Claire.

"So what do you think?" Claire asked as Zoe came back down the stairs.

"It's fine," she shrugged, a weak smile falling under sad eyes.

"Well, I'll let you ladies get settled in. If you need anything I'm just across the street." Abigail smiled widely, pointing to her home through the living room window and handing Claire the keys.

"Thank you." She and Zoe couldn't help but plop onto the couch to secretly watch the older woman bounce across the street. They both jumped when Abigail turned and gave them a wave before opening her own door.

"That is a little unsettling ... right?" Claire's upper lip curled and one eyebrow raised.

"Oh yes, definitely." They both slid down low on the couch, giggling.

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