Chapter 8 - School

Start from the beginning

The teacher noticed Wat & Tian standing at the door, and greeted them inside. 

"Hello! I'm Mr. Tipaton, but the kids all like to call me Mr. Potato." Both Tian and Wat laughed.

"Who's this little guy down here?" Mr. Tipaton got down to Wat's level.

"I'm Sarawat." He said shyly. "This is my dad." Wat pointed to Tian, making Tian feel rather touched. He was biting the inside of his lip trying not to shed any tears of happiness. 

"Ah, yes! Sorry I forgot to ask, I'm a new teacher here. What's your name?" 

"Oh, Don't worry, I'm Tian." 

It was time for Tian to go so he got at Wat's level and hugged him goodbye. 

"I have to go now. Will you be alright on your own?" He said.

"Yes.  I Love you." 

"Love you too." 

Tian felt even more touched by this, he did actually shed a tear this time. He tried hard to conceal it, but in the end just rubbing his eyes. 


Tian was back home now, sorting all his things for the clubs he'll be running in a weeks time. He can't stop thinking about how Wat's doing at his first day of school. But more importantly, how he called him dad and said he loved him. 

"I'm home. A little early today, there wasn't too much to do today." Phupha walked through the door and kicked his shoes off, to see Tian looking at him, smiling. 

"Guess what?" 

"Hmm?" Phupha now looked at Tian curiously. 

"Wat said he loved me today, and he called me dad." Tian looked pleased with himself. 

"Oh Yeah? Well he already said that to me when I tucked him into bed." Phupha also looked pleased with himself saying so. 

"Yeah, but he said it in public." Tian joked with a funny tone. 

"You wanna play games then, do you?" Phupha laughed as he ran over to Tian and tickled him. 

"Hahahahahaha stop!! Stop!! I can't take it!" Tian pleaded while laughing, unable to stop. But that didn't grudge Phupha into stopping.

"Hey!!!" Phupha started kissing him in all his tickly places, along with tickling him worse every minute. 

"My stomach hurts!" Tian pleaded even more, "Don't you love your dear husband?" 

An alarm went off on his phone, the one to go and get Wat from school.

"I gotta get Wat from school!!" 

"A lucky escape you have there. I'll go with you."

Phupha continued: "But that doesn't mean you've escaped entirely." He grinned. 


Tian and Phupha waited outside the school just like some of the other parents, waiting for Wat. 

A hoard of kids came running out, and a little later behind came out Wat with another girl and boy. They all waved goodbye at each other and left separate ways, while Wat looked around to find Phupha and Tian. 

"Hi! How was your day at school?" Phupha asked. 

"It was good!" 

"Who were those kids you where with?" Tian looked happy. 

"They're my new friends." 

"Oh, good." Tian smiled. 

"They walked to the car, holding hands, Phupha getting a sneaky short tickle at Tian, but missed as Tian saw his hand coming. Phupha frowned. 

He'll get him next time...


That's it for this chapter! A little late to publishing this chapter, getting busier and busier at school.

I've got an idea for the last 2 chapters I will definitely be uploading, and I might do some more extra chapters after, but they will come irregularly, but I know for sure I'll be doing 2 more. 

If you want a spoiler for what the next chapter will be about, scroll down below! 

Thanks for all the support, and thanks for reading!

Have a good week. 


- Frankie


I wanna do a 16 years later thing, so all the kids would have grown up, including Wat, and I want to show their lives like that, how Wat goes to University and meets the love of his life, Tine!! 

I'll include things about the main couple of course, Phupha & Tian. 

I hope it'll work, so I'll see how it goes. 


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