
I woke up, groggy and injured. My head hurt like hell, as did my knees. The first thing I noticed was the bright white light. It was everywhere, as though the place I was in was made of it. Then, I saw a tall figure, standing.

Recognizing them as my brother, I ran over towards him, only to stop a few feet away. I blinked. I rubbed my eyes. Then, I looked again. It did look like Selever. Yet, something was off. Maybe I was just seeing things, but the figure had long hair. They were also wearing....a skirt?

Rasazay: Sel!

They turned around. Now I was for sure they weren't Selever. Their face was pointed, hair draping down their neck in long locks. There eyes looked brighter too and their horns appeared to be longer.

Rasazay: Who are you?

I gripped my pocket, feeling the knife I always carried for self defense. Slowly, I gripped it, ready to pull out in case anything happened.

???: Raz! What's wrong? It's me, Selene.

Rasazay: You're not Selever!

She looked at me, confused.

Selene: Selever? Who the fuck is Selever? Razul are you alright.

She walked over, only to stop dead in her tracks. I could see her, studying my face probably.

Selene: Did you...grow hair? And how'd you get a skirt?

Rasazay: I'm not Razul. That's not my nam-

Before I could finish, I heard a shout. It was familiar. Yet, also different.

???: Selene! Is that you?

The older girl looked over my head, past me.

Selene: Razul!?

I looked behind me. There was a figure, resembling me. Yet, they looked different. Their hair only reached their ears and they appeared slightly taller then me. Behind them, I could see the faint outline of a boy, about my age, except with shorter hair and tight pants.

Razul: Selene!

Selene: Wait!

She held one hand put, causing Selever and the boy to stop. Her eyes studied both of us carefully.

Selene: Of you're my brother...

She pointed at the boy.

Selene: ...then who the fuck are you two?

I heard a shuffle, and felt an arm in my shoulder.

Selever: Well, I'm Selever, you twathead. And this is my sis. Rasazay.

My brother outstretched his hand. Selene,still suspicious of us probably, walked forward and shook it.

Selene: Selene, cunt. And this is my bro, Razul.

The boy walked up behind her. Now, I could see he was wearing a hoodie.

Selene: Anyways, how'd you two fuckers get here?

Selever: Magic. Shit magic. By her.

I felt his grip squeeze on my shoulder, causing me to flinch.

Selever: Lemme, guess. Your bro?

Selene: Yeah. Tried opening a portal...

Selever:...but it went wrong. Now we're here...

Selene: ..waiting for our parents to..

Selever:..show up.

Just then, I heard screaming. I recognized my dad's voice and my mom's, but there were 2 voices I had no clue of. All of us looked up, seeing 4 figures falling from the sky. Two of the figures were grey, while the other two were pink.

Selene: Uhh..shouldn't we make sure they don't break anything.

Selever: Oh right. You do the guys, I'll do the girls.

Before I could say anything, I heard a whoosh from behind me. I could see my brother and Selene interesting their hands over a space each. Then, out of thin air, two inflated bounce pads appeared. The 4 landed, my dad and a man I didn't know in one, and my mom and a woman I didn't know on the other.

Ruv: Argh fuck! My head!

Selever: Hey dad.

The four of them looked at the teens, confusion on all their faces.

Selene: All of you are probably confused on where you are, but don't worry. We'll explain

Selever: Sit down. Theirs a lot to talk about.

Chairs pooped up, startling all of us except for the two teens, who each sat down in their own chairs. After a few seconds of startled glances, all of sat down.

Sarv: Please excuse my language but...Selever what the fuck is all this?

Selever: Well, remember when me and Raz went missing? Because we were...

Selene: Stuck in a void like place outside of reality where..

Both: Time is, was, and will be dead and insignificant.

Razul: Wait. We're in that void!?

Selene: Well if course we are. Anyways, it seems all of us fell through a portal.

Selene: Or two. Each in the exact same place, made at the exact same time, but in different universes.

Ruv: Meaning..?

Selene: We're stuck here till we can get a portal back to our realities.

Selever: In the meantime, we'll just have to wait out the storm.

Both of them got, Selene pulling from under her chair, a book. Opening it, they both closed their eyes, muttering an incantation. At first, nobody knew what was happening. Then, we could hear cracking as stone walls came from points in the ground. The walls were coming in pretty slowly.

Ruv: So...what do we do while we wait?

Razul: Introduce ourselves I guess. Thease my parents. My mom...

He pointed at the woman.

???: Name's Ruvina. This my husband, Sarvin.

Sarvin: Pleased to meet you. And you are...

Rasazay: Rasazay. This is my dad...

Ruv: Ruvyzvat.

Sarv: Sarvente.

Sarvin: Pleasure to meet you Sarvente. Are you also..?

Sarv:...a demon. Yes.

The grown ups immediatly got engaged in conversation while me and the boy sat there, away from everyone.

Rasazay: This is gonna tale a while.

Razul: I know. And then we'll be stuck with them I'm hoping I don't have to..

Rasazay: ..share a room with our annoying older siblings.

Razul: Yes.

I watched the windows being formed, seeing the details being carved do intrcetly it was mind boggling. My mind wandered as I realized all of us could be here for any amount of time. Still, as I grabbed a biscuit from the tray that had formed in front of me, I figured it couldn't be too bad.

A/N 1606 words! This one took a while!

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