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(Context: While practising with his powers, Rasazay accidently brings her whole family into another world, seemingly in the middle of nowhere. It's just empty white space. But they aren't alone...)

Rasazay's pov:

I concentrated, book in one hand, ready to try open a portal. This, I knew I would get it. I had to. I'd almost succeeded the past few times, so this had to be a garunteed success.

Sarvente: Carefull dear. Don't overdo it.

Now, I felt the surge of energy. I opened my eyes, seeing in the reflection of one of the walls, my eyes. They were glowing, with one being bright red and the other being dazzling blue. I closed my eyes, stretching out my hand, as I began muttering the incantation. I levitated off the ground, determined not to fail.

Selever: She's actually doing it!? DAD! C'mere! Your missing out!

I payed no attention to what was around me. One mistake and everything would be ruined. I could hear the faint crackling sounds of air quite literally ripping itself apart. Now, I began chanting louder, moving my hand till my finger locked onto the  point of crackling air.

Ruv: Huh. She never gotten past this point.

Sarvente: Your doing well sweety!

My finger locked in place. I could feel the space I was pointing to, like it was anchored to my finger. Slowly, I moved my hand in an oval shape, hearing the crackling intensify. Soon, I heard the buzzing. Opening my eyes, I saw the white, oval shaped portal in front of me. Now, I was practically yelling the incantation.

Ruv: Woah. What's happening?

There was a flash. I dropped the book, and fell. My eyes burned, as my head throbbed. I could hear nothing but the crackling, along with shouts from my family. All I knew is that I was hovering, for I never hit the ground. I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me away from the crackling.

Sarvente: Ruv! Get the kids out o-RUV! SELEVER!

I opened my eyes, seeing my dad in the portal. He was half, being sucked through. My brother was also there attempting to pull him out. Both of them were being pulled, as though the portal was creating its own gravity. I felt my body slip through my mom's arms  about to hit the wall, when I felt something soft.

Selever: Aaargh! Shit!

Now, getting up, I saw my brother lying there, hand on stomach, his jumper showing blood.. My dad was already next to us, applying a his unshaka to the sound underneath.

Sarvente: Selever!

Ruv: I've got him. Get the portal closed now!

A swift woosh could be heard as my mother rushed to the portal, book in hand. However, before she could reach it, the crackling stopped. The portal hovered, not doing much. I felt light as all gravity in the room dissapered.

Rasazay: Mom! What's happening?

Sarvente: I....I don't know.

Her facial expression terrified me. It was of confusion which, in this context, meant shit was about to go down.

Selever: Isn't there something about this in the book?

Sarvente: No. I've memorized the book off by heart and this has never been mentioned.

Then, before any of us could do anything, the portal began expanding, enveloping the room. Only the door remained as the portal surrounding us shrunk. I felt a hand grab my arm. Feeling the talons out of their fingers, I identified it as my brother. I closed my eyes, only to black out after hitting my head on something.

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