Meeting you

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(Context: Ruv, as an eleven year old child, has stolen a fair bit of money from a local donut shop, to get by. After some events, he ends up hitch hiking in a truck. While on the run, he encounters a young, energetic, church girl.)

Ruv's pov:

I ran to the alley, knowing I could shake off any of my pursuers. With my vast knowledge of the maze of alleys and street corners, plus the pursuers lack of navigation when it came to the rural areas I was heading to, I knew I could shake them off. Yet, something felt wrong. I turned a corner, realising too late I had reached a dead end.

Ruv: Shit.

I looked around for an escape opportunity. The best option I had was to hide in a small crate of apples. I watched through the gaps in the crate as my pursuers ran around the corner: one was an old, aggrivated lady, the other meanwhile, a teenage boy, most likely 16 or 17.

Old lady: Where'd the little shit go? When I find him I'll beat that boy till he's blue as the sky.

The old lady coughed, prompting the young boy to pass her a glass of water.

Boy: Mrs Fritz, don't you think you're going a bit far with this? I mean, without me, you're basically killing yourself trying to get a hold of some random theif.

The old lady thrust the cane she had been holding in violent rage.

Mrs Fritz: He is NOT just some theif Aiden! He is a threat to my business! My BUISSNESS!

She stamped the cane with each syllable. Her face was red and flustered, as the young boy began steering her to the shop, probably to calm her down.

Aiden: I know Mrs Fritz. I know. Let's get back to the donut shop.

Mrs Fritz: Oh the days when children were beat for insolence. Where did they go?

I waited untill I was sure the coast was clear. Then, I tried to lift the lid of the crate. No luck. I pushed up against it. No luck. I tried squeezing through the gaps to widen them. No luck.

My heart raced as I heard footsteps. From where I was, I saw several guys, each in uniform of some shipping corporate. I remained silent, knowing if they found me I would be taken to some kind of orphanage. They walked past me.

Worker 1: This is the right one, isn't it?

Worker 2: Well, does it matter? As long as it sells, it won't need checking.

Worker 1: Are you delusional? We need to make sure it's not got dangerous items! Imagine what the boss would to us?

Worker 3: Probably threaten to lower our significantly wages.

Worker 4: Make us work another 30 minutes. Anyways, the old twat can't do anything. The company is understaffed, he needs us.

Worker 1: I've warned you.

Two of the workers walked to the front of the box and bent down. I felt the box I was in be lifted up, the apples hitting me in the eye. I used the cloth I had on me to cover my mouth.

Worker 4: Is it just me, or does this thing seem heavier?

Worker 2: Is all the same to me. Big box. Long hours. Low wage. Nothing is different here.

One of the pears hit me in the neck and right in my face. I felt dizzy, as the box was moving around and I realized, I hadn't taken off the cloth. I struggled to breath, as my vision blurred and darkened. Before I knew it, I had passed out.


I woke, breathing heavily. From where I was, I could see...light? A crack of it, coming through the darkness. I moved my hand, feeling pears. I sat up and, with as much strength as I could muster, pushed up.

Ruv x Sarvente OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now