Part 2. Stopping project insight

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Steve had gone to the museum to clear his mind after the tense conversation with Director Fury

A museum dedicated to captain America's life, his time at war and his heroic acts

"A symbol to the nation, a hero to the world" a narrator said through speakers
"The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery and sacrifice" he said as Steve walked past walls of information about his life

A kid noticed Steve walking in the museum due to his lack of disguise

Steve got the kid to keep quiet and the kid would never dare to betray the beloved hero

"Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield" the narrator said as Steve was looking at a picture of his best friend

The narrator talked about how Bucky was passed away and Steve visibly mourned his best friend

As Steve walked further he got into a screening room where a video of Peggy was playing

"A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line" she said with her charming British accent
"Steve, Captain Rogers. he fought his way through a HYDRA blockade that had pinned our allies down for months" she spoke on the tape
"He saved over a thousand men" she said with a sigh because of the amazing Accomplishment

"Including the man who would become my husband as it turned out" she said but Steve tried to ignore it as he used to be in love with Peggy

"Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life" the tape rolled on showing Peggy with tears in her eyes


"You should be proud of yourself Peggy" Steve told her when he was visiting her in the nursing home, hinting at her life that she lived without him

"Hmm" she said with a small tone of regret
"I have lived a life" she said happier
"My only regret is that you don't get to live yours" she said and steve avoided her gaze

"What is it?" Peggy asked, knowing that something was wrong with the super soldier

"For as long as I can remember I just wanted to do what was right" steve started
"I guess I'm not quit sure what that is anymore" he said

"I thought I could throw myself back into following orders, serve" he said
"But it's just not the same" he smiled a sad smile

"You're always so dramatic" Peggy chuckled and Steve laughed along

"You saved the world, we rather mucked it up" she said

"You didn't" he claimed
"Knowing that you helped found S.H.I.E.L.D. was one of the reasons why I decided to stay" Steve claimed

"Hey" Peggy started grabbing Steve's hand
"The world has changed and none of us can go back" "All we can do is our best and sometimes the best we can do, is to start over" she gave Steve advice before going into a heavy cough

Steve turned around to grab a glass of water for the coughing old woman and when he turned back to her it as as if Peggy didn't know he was back again

"Steve" she said with a tear forming in her eye
"You came back, you're alive!" She exclaimed
"It's been so long, so long" she said full on crying now which made Steve emotional as well


Back at the avengers tower Natasha and Jack were hanging out in the common room before Steve entered

"Hey" Jack said excited
"Where have you been?" He asked just to make conversation

"Hey guys" Steve said walking down the steps towards the sitting area

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