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"Denki Kaminari if you don't get that mistletoe away from me this very second I'm gonna let you float high enough to see Santa Clause himself." 

Izuku glanced up from his book, only slightly concerned to see his best friend chasing his other best friend through the doorway. Denki was dangling a piece of mistletoe that looked like it had seen much better day's over Ochaco's head- or at least trying to. Ochaco rushed into the classroom, swatting the air above her head. Unforchantly for her Denki had the height advantage and was able to keep his weapon of choice safe. 

Denki slid in front of her, cutting off her path. He leaned in, a familiar smirk in place.  Ochaco looked two seconds from clocking him right in his pretty face. Her hands were glued to her hips and her eyebrows raised in a 'are you shitting me' right now look. If it were anyone else, Izuku would be more concerned, but this was a normal occurrence for the two. 

"C'monnnn, we can't ignore holiday tradition. What would the elves think?" Denki whined.

Ochaco hummed to herself before holding up two fingers right in Denki's face. "First of all, elves don't give a shit about a stick of leaves. In fact, they're probably banned up there along with those creepy Santa bobbleheads and any Hallmark movie ever made." 

Izuku choked back a laugh as she kept going. 

"Secondly, mistletoe doesn't have anything to do with elves." She went up on her tiptoes, stealing the smirk right off Denki's face as she plucked the mistletoe from his hand and bopping his nose. "Thirdly, even if it was some weird elf tradition they'd probably take pity on me and let it slide." She turned and walked over to her seat before the other could even get a word out. She shared a grin with Izuku before sliding into the desk next to him. 

"Have I mentioned lately how much I love you," Izuku asked her, turning in his seat. He meant it too, she had such a light about her. He was envious of how carefree she could be. 

"Don't encourage her," Denki grumbled, taking a seat at the desk behind Ochaco's. 

"No do. My comebacks are brilliant." 

"Truly your main character moment," Izuku agreed, smile widening as Denki shot him an indignant look. 

"So your family is still going away for the holiday right?" Denki asked Ochaco. 

The rest of the class began to trickle in slowly, taking their respective seats and murmuring quietly. Most of them were bundled up in scarves and big boots. It was supposedly going to snow today- the first snow of the year. It seemed his classmates had more hope than him about it actually happening. Izuku glanced quickly to the door, hoping his obvious "Hitoshi" check would go unnoticed. 

"So what do you think?"

His eyes snapped back to Denki's. "Think about what?" he asked.

"Spending the holiday with my family and me? I know you said you wanted to stay here over break but you can't mean that. Who wants to be alone on Christmas?" 

An uncomfortable knot began to grow in his stomach. He'd been doing an excellent job of not thinking about that exact thing up until now. 

"The same people that want to be in the top three next school year," Izuku replied quickly. He pulled out a laptop he had a book's worth of notes on to make a point. It looked older than it actually was- already worn from the hours of studying he'd done. He glanced back at the door before opening the laptop. "Thanks for the offer but I'll be okay I promise. I really don't mind being by myself."

"You know the kind of people that say that?" Denki asked.

His eyes darted around the room. "Who?"

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