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Family. It is such a simple word, yet lives could be ruined with this simple word. Horror could be unleashed from someone just saying family. Family is supposed to be pleasant, but whenever it is mentioned, chaos rises from it. It could never be a one way conversation about family, but a long one filled with tears, blood, and loss. Loss of those who never had a chance or a say but had to be dragged in, because it was simply their family who were only able to make that decision.

Secrets. So many worlds could be opened with just one. One slip of the lip and everything is ruined. Everyone's world comes crashing down even if you aren't a part of it. A stranger telling you that you are a witch, that secret had changed the world as they knew it right there and then. Once the young boy gained courage and decided to talk to the young fiery haired girl, he changed the world whether he knew it or not. The world bent and stretched once the secret of the prophecy's child was born came out, everyone was quick to react to him. There was no rest for the next decade for the shadows, the rest of the world was caught in a daze while those who had the chance settled down. But even then it was only for a second, one minute sitting down the next getting orders to risk your life for the greater good.

Irony. The best part of the day is when you get to go home and rest but not until you realise how to rest with all the guilt building up inside of you. Reassuring what you did was good and that it had a purpose, justifying to yourself that you still are a good person and a part of the evil ones. Questioning every single decision you have ever made for the basic realisation of knowing if what you did had a purpose. Getting paranoid as you grow older, still wondering if you had made a different decision would you feel guilty as you do now. It is quite funny how people mock the 'real' bad ones for the choices that they made, when if you were given the same ones you would go the way they did.

Decisions. The one reason why humans continue to live the way they do. One of the many hardships in our lives that we can keep to ourselves. One of the many bloodsheds that we can prevent with just one action. One word can change the fate of many whether it's for the best or not. No one can really predict the future but their decisions they make contribute into the factor of if they make it or not. Everything in this world is based on the fear and power of others, the hunger for wanting to dominate over one another. And yet no one seems to wage on the costs of certain choices since in the moment it does not matter. When years take its toll, people find themselves blaming someone else for the problems they have created.

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