Chapter 6

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You didn't feel like talking to anyone lately. Mainly because of the Shadow emptying the heavy silence you had imprisoned yourself in. You didn't even feel joy in eating anymore. It was not your fault, you decided. Of course it was other's. They seemed to be suspicious of you, and worried that you would snap at them. Only Pan remained normal and you guessed he must know about your own deal with the Shadow. But did he? You were so tense lately, and you just wanted one moment of peace with your own mind. At least, they could not see the Shadow lurking around the camp, not even Pan noticed it flying around, and circling you with pointless statements and questions. As you passed by a training ground, your eyes darted to Felix's figure and you stopped to watch him for a bit. His movements were slow when he was fighting with his club, but very devastating. He was pretty strong, and most people couldn't guess because of his slender body. You then thought about the argument you both had some days ago, and as you went to apologize, you were stopped by a giggling Hannah who took you by the arm and forced you out of the camp with her.

You groaned as you were being dragged somewhere bright. Your eyes, you realised, were more sensible to the bright light, like the sun. You wondered if it was a side effect for being the Shadow's minion or mistress. What were you to him? The terms of the contract were very blurry and you hadn't bothered to ask when you accepted his deal. You were snapped back to reality by Hannah babbling something about Pan and Felix.

"What did you say?" You questioned the girl, a bit rudely. "Sorry... I didn't really sleep last night..."

"It is alright, and yes, I heard you turning and murmuring in your slumber... I didn't want to wake you up, but I was a little worried about you!"

"It's fine. I am fine." You lied, rubbing your eyes to wake you up a little. "So... What were you talking about..."

"Oh yes! Well, Pan accepted to bring most of the boys in another realm! Isn't that exciting? He said he wanted to mess around with realities, which I didn't really understand, but he also seemed focused on something else... Maybe I will get him to reveal this to me! After all, he seems to have a soft spot for me as well."

You rolled your eyes at what she was insinuating. You really wondered if Pan was that dumb, or just playing around with her. Probably the latest, but she was as wicked as him. You really tried to improve your relationships with your friends, and you did include the red haired girl in them, but you could sense how rotten she was. You didn't even magically guess it, just one look at the bubbly girl and you could immediately tell she was a mean girl. You couldn't even trust her. Everything seemed so fake about her. However, you were very interested in the trip. Why would Pan do that? Was it like a reward for the boys?

"You have so many questions... and no will to get the answers." The Shadow's voice mocked you right besides your ear. "However, you are right to choose your friends wisely..." It hummed. "By the way, maybe that trip will help you understand your new powers, but keep yourself grounded."

You nodded at the last part, and knew that you should follow its advice. You didn't know the full extent of your magic, you didn't even remember what could happen if the Shadow could take over your body. Maybe you were able to destroy a town with a finger's snap. You chuckled at the idea, which sparked Hannah's attention.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing... just something I was thinking about." You told her as you started to walk again.

You felt generous today so you asked Hannah where she wanted to go for the day. You felt bad when she smiled at you, thanking you for the safety you were providing to her. To think someone with such an angelic face and sweet smile could be rotten... Or was it your mind playing tricks against? She had decided to go see the mermaids, which was not a bad idea. They never attacked you, and maybe they would do the same to Hannah. However, the red haired girl asked if she could stay a little away from the shore. You found her request strange, as mermaids couldn't handle themselves well out of the water but didn't comment on it.

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