"Gotcha" she smirk.

"H-h-how did you know I was hiding under the bed?" She comes close to me and I back up till my back hits against the wall. She was so close to me that I have to hold my breath.

"How? You are so dumb, Juliette. Look beside you" I look beside me. I was dumbfounded for that.

"I had a big fat ass mirror and that's how I can see you. I'm not dumb, my Juliette." My face was still in shocked for how dumb I was for this. How could I never see that mirror? She pull my chin up to see her.

"You look sexy in my clothes, baby. I love that" she smirk. I just gulped and blushed. I think she notices that. She stares at me and leans closer to ear.

"Essayez-vous de m'échapper?" She whispers seductively in her French accent.

"Answer me, Juliette." she stared at me so intensely. I shooked my head because I was too scared.

"Wrong answer" She then starts to lick my earlobe and my neck. My cheeks reddened and I'm holding my moan. I can see that she's smirking while licking me. I couldn't hold it anymore so I answer her in honesty.

"I-im sorry! I-i-i didn't mean to do that. P-please stop a-" I cover my mouth because I was about to moan. She smirk.

"I see, someone is trying to hold her moan." She bite my earlobe and face me.

She smirk again and yank my hand away so she could kiss me. She leans in and kiss me harshly. I tried to push her away but she's too strong. Tears are coming, that's actually my first kiss. She doesn't stop, she keep kissing me and moans. After like 5 minutes of her kissing me and while me trying to push her away, she suddenly stopped and look at me with devilish eyes full of lust. She starts to take off her clothes and I cry my eyes out. Before she do anything to me, my phone suddenly rings. Thank God for that. She was so pissed about that.

"Oh for fuck sake. Whoever the fuck is calling you, you better tell them you're out of this country and you are busy. Goddamnit"

She was really mad. I take my phone and see who's calling me. It's dad. Thank god, he saves me from her tryna eat me like I'm her prey. I pick up his call.

Dad : Hey hun' Where are you? I came to check on you but your not home.

Juliette : Hey dad. I'm at-
'Tell him you are out of this country and you are fucking busy. Or else you are very dead to me' she mouthed to me and glared at me. I nodded, scared of her.

Juliette : I'm going somewhere, dad. I will be busy for awhile. I don't know.....when will I be back.

Dad : oh? You didn't tell me, hun'.

Juliette : I know. I forgot.

Dad : Juliette, was there something happened to you lately? You know you can talk to me, right?

Juliette : no no dad. There's nothing happens. I just wanna take a vacation. You know, to take a rest from my mind.

Dad : if you say so, my daughter. But be back soon, alright? Take care. I love you!

Juliette : okay. I love you too dad !

We hung up the call, and I was about to burst into tears because I've never lie to my dad before. But because of Lucia, I don't want her to hurt me, I had to lie to him. I don't know why Lucia kidnapped me. I'm not even that special. I know I'm rich and a humble person but why me? Lucia looked at me very proudly because I just did what she asked me to do.

"Good girl. Now come here." I immediately obeyed her.

"I'm not done with you yet, Juliette but I will let you go this time. Also if you ever try to escape from me, you know what happens next, baby" I gulped because I don't want her to fuck me over. I'm still a virgin. Yeah yeah, shut up. I know I'm a virgin.

"Y-yes Lucia." I stutter. I was scared. Scared of her.

"Alright no-" she got cut off by her phone ringing.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She groaned but ended up answering it anyway. I didn't want to listen to their conversation but I had to.

"The fuck you want? I'm fucking busy, Zion."

"What?! How the fuck he found us? No one knows that place except for us."

"Fuck sake. Tell Ricardo to wait for me. We'll talk. Me and him. Don't include his wife or I'll fucking kill her." now she really do sounds so pissed. Who's Ricardo anyway? She was like so mad about that guy.

"Juliette, I have to go. Stay here, do whatever you want to do in this mansion but don't you fucking dare escape from me. " She quickly says it while being so mad and pissed.

"Yes Lucia... I'm sorry.." She just ignored me and kiss my lips and starts to leave me. I don't dare to escape from her. I'm scared of what she'll do to me if I leave...

- Ricardo POV -

Lucia... Lucia.. My dear Lucia. Yes, I am obsessed with Lucia. She's the most powerful mafia in France. I wanna take her down and take her with me. We would make a great powerful couple mafia ever. One of the reason why I am so obsessed of her. Right now, we're in her mansion with her people. I brought my wife here too. Apparently, my wife, Diana Renée Toussaint is obsessed with Juliette Antoinette. Actually, I couldn't careless what the fuck she do. This was an arranged marriage so whatever. I evily laugh cause I want this shit to be done so I can marry Lucia.

Just you wait, Lucia. You'll be mine soon.

Heyyy it's 3am, I'm publishing this lmfao. But enjoy <3
Translation : "Are you trying to escape me?"

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