10. There's More?

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            Anna and Sylvia didn't force the issue of "parenting" me, but I had to have a legal guardian. If I didn't, the state would eventually remove me from our home and basically assign me a parent. How messed up is that?

I guess we could make it work out for the better anyway. I could only have one of the two girls be my legal guardian, but we would receive additional money from the state since she was a "single mother." Sylvia received the honors of being my legal guardian but absorbed as little of the responsibility for parenting me as possible. They both knew I could easily take care of myself and was much more resourceful than either of them. I would only need her to sign legal paperwork up until I was eighteen years old. It was a nuisance, but we wanted to stay under the radar for now.

I had great freedom to decide for myself what I wanted to do along the way. I decided not to go to school yet like Nolan had. I thought about doing half days. However, attending school would cost money. It's a public school, meaning taxpayers pay for most of my tuition to attend, but there was still a cost associated with attending. I simply wanted to save us as much money as possible for now. I still had plenty of time to attend middle school and high school if I wanted. It's not like I would learn much anyway in these schools. Anything I could learn from those schools; I could figure out on my own in about one-one hundredth of the time.

Instead, I focused on a couple of objectives. First, I wanted to figure out a few additional ways of making money for the three of us. Second, I wanted to learn anything and everything I could about the internet and computers. There was so much potential for learning and building. I learned about programming and robotics. Although I didn't have the resources for building robotics, I knew it would be in my future. Finally, I wanted to learn about my past. What happened to the original laboratory I was created in? Did the Russian government believe I was dead? Are there more like Nolan and myself out there?

It didn't take long for the last objective to overtake my priorities because I found the answer to that very last question. There were more out there. We were part of a military program that ran very deep. I couldn't find evidence that my original laboratory was or was not functional, but my guess is that it's probably operational.

When I hacked the government documents, I hit the jackpot. It was unbelievable what the Russian government's plans were. They had at least a dozen laboratories. My laboratory was the first successful laboratory. There were dozens of other people they created in labs, but none survived until Nolan and me. Our original mission was to infiltrate the United States governments and businesses and then slowly destroy the structure and power of the United States from within itself.

Wow! I was shocked after learning that. Well, the United States is my home now, so that obviously wasn't going to happen. I don't know what my new "mission" in life will be, but I don't think I'll go with that one. For now, I'll find the others out there and free them.

That would be a difficult process, though. I would need to making money like I mentioned. Most of our current finances were liquidized into investments. I could sell them, purchase a plane ticket, and free any others out there out that were like Nolan and me. But could I really help them escape from across the world? Let's find out.


After weeks and months of researching, planning, and figuring out the details of what I would need to do, I think I was ready to carry a plan out. There were going to be several problems no matter how much planning I did. First, there was already a group of these created humans within the United States, which would make it much easier for me. But that required a separate plan and something that I could more easily intervene with in-person. Second, there was an element that I couldn't ever control: the behavior of these created humans. Once they were released, I hoped that I would have control over them, but that's probably not going to happen. Nolan and I both have very different personalities and responded similarly when we both first woke up. How would others react when I woke up? It was hard to tell. They could easily turn on me and try to kill me.

#2 - Nikki SmithWhere stories live. Discover now