Chapter 3

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After 3 days searching SAR missions aready over. Miyafuji declared dead and her body not found.

The 501st Decided to a proper funereal ceremony, and more ,they decided to a "sea burials". Because her body not found,they used empty special coffin. 

Uk send two battleships and four destroyer  to the funereal.There battleship HMS Nelson and HMS Duke of York parked near flagship Cossack around the battleships.All ships flag lowerd half mast.The emty coffin was cover up by Fuso slag

Yoshida hold Miyafuji's photho, beside Yoshika's parent. All witches and wizzard on their official uniform,Exept Perrine still on whellchair.

Minna is now standing on the most front, just side-by-side with the riflemens, giving her speech. She just reached the last part of her speech, reading some praying from the bible.

"Sergeant. Miyafuji Yoshika had been a good comrade for us, even though only lasted for a few precious days, she had done her job fine, and served her country well." Minna said, before pausing.

"The sea is the largest cemetery, and it's slumbers sleep without a monument. All other graveyards show symbols of distinction between great and small, rich and poor: but in the ocean cemetery, the king, the clown, the prince, and the peasant are a like, undistinguishable." She said before another pause.

"Her service with the 501st and to her country will not be forgotten by us. Now may you rest in peace, among the other brave soldiers who had died for their countries before you. Amen." She said, ending her speech, and closing her bible.

After back to the row,Minna turn head to Vian,Vian nod. 

Vian who had the singal,nod back. 

"start the funeral"Vian said.

"All hands bury the dead."The oficer said in radio

"Ships company! Attention!" one of the officer shouted. Everyone including the Witches stomped their feets and stand up-right.

"Salute!" the officer shouted again. This time, everyone on board rise their hands, and salute.

The empty coffin was then lifted by the six crewmens who are now ready to slide it off the side of the ship.

"Firing line! Half-right, face!" the officer ordered. The firing line consisting of six crewmens with rifles face half-right, then aimed their rifles up. "Three volley salute! Sergeant. Miyafuji Yoshika of 501st Joint Fighter Wing! Ready! Fire!" The officer shouted.

The firing line fired at first volley 

At this point, a few of the 501st members start breaking down in tears. Of whom are Perrine, Lynette, and even Mio who can only hung her head low.Yoshida start crying

"Ready! Fire!" the officer shouted again as the firing line released the second volley.

Tears start rolling down Mio's cheeks as the riflemens fired out the volleys.

"Ready! Fire!" the officer shouted again, and the last volley was released.

After three volley salute was done, the empty coffin was then slided off the deck into the ocean with a huge splash sound, leaving only the flag on board the platform.

After done with the gun salute, the officer shouted again.

"Ready! Two!" and then everyone lowered their hands.

The six crewmens who are holding the coffin before, took the Fuso flag, and start folding it into a small piece of white and red. One of the crew took the folded flag, and gave it to Mio.

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