Chapter 2

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After Yoshida,Lynette,Perrine,Arthur arrive at base.

Minna, "are you all okay?"

Arthur,"Yes, we are fine, but Miyafuji get shot down with neuroi"

Everyone shocked heard that matter.

Peter, "we need rescuers now"

Rescuers' helicopter, boat  help Royal navy  do massive search and rescue mission in middle of strait , fulfilling 501 Joint Fighter Wing to help them find Yoshika ,or at least to find her body as to find Yoshika alive almost zero.

Yoshida ," Yoshika , where are you?"

Escort carriers HMS Avengers, light cruisers HMS Southhamton,4 Destroyer,17 Fast boats,8 helicopters,1 escort plane.502 Joint Fighter  Wing also helps SAR missions.

The witches in question are Barkhon x Rudy, Erica x Walter , Lucchini x Horaito , and Lynette x Wilson , and Yoshida  Under command Mio x Daisuke. They've been searching for hours since Yoshiika was reported shooted down a few hours ago. The situation was very emotional Especially Lynette and Yoshida.

Perrine has safely carried back home an was immediately treated by the medics on the base She has deep regret, keep crying that it was all her fault , until Arthur could calm her down.

The news aready reached Allied command ad London. The situation of 501 is critical, knowing they've lost a witch. Peter and Minna compete argument with Air marshal Trevor Meloney.

The leading officer Minna Dietlinde Wilcke and Peter Von Ficher In bad situation because first time 501 JFW lost a member. On evening Navy had been ordered to back to base because bad weather is coming and sun start to sink on horizon

Minna and Peter standing at end of runaway, watching sun goes dawn and silhouette of her squamates return to the base.

Behind Mina and Peter are Sanya and Vasily , Elia and Erno ,Shirley and Dan, Shizuka and Kenji Yoshida ,shizuka and kenji, And Perrine on board a whellchair helped by Arthur behind Them, all of worry emotions on their face, hoping a miracles.

Later,the rest of withes areready on the runway after the searching group had landed, as they're waiting a Navy commander and Commander of UK cost guard. 

Soon a male in Black Royal Navy Uniform and White Coast guard Uniform,They two leader of searching Parties.

"So, have you found anything sir?" Peter ask in worry tone.

Vian shook his head."No sir,we didn't find anything.No body,no striker unit,nothing."Vian answered ,shocked Most of the witches 

"We also didn't find anything..."Mio said 

"What is that rear admiral?" Minna asked 

"It appear that... Lieutenant.Miyafuji's body Had been disintegrated during impact with the sea..." Vian said.Everyone shocked

"D-Disintegrated? "Mina asked.Vian nod."Yes Ma'am.It's posible that when  Lieutenant. Miyafuji hit the water with very fast diving speed,her body could've disitegrated.Combine with hight tides and aggresive wave. maybe her body washed away to Atlantic ocean"Vian explained 

"Oh no" Yoshida whispered,Lynette start crying put her hands on her mouth and tears strart to appear fron her eyes.

"no no no"Yoshida start crying He remember how he first time meet with Yoshika,when he fighting neuroi in Tokyo,when he fighting together to defeat Japan neuroi nest,when together liberated Fuso from Burgundy mass organizations.

"With imposible ods, zero percent changes of body recovery Lieutenant Miyafuji's body."

Everyone silent in sadness and utter dejection.

"No"Someone suddenly said,surprising evryone.

"No! Please! You have to find her!" It was actualy Perrine ,whose her eyesand cheeks aready wet in tears.

"Please! She can't be lost just like that! At least find her body!"Perrine shout in tears as she slowly drag her wheelchair to in front of Vian.

"Perrine."mio called. 

"Please! I beg you! you need to find her !" Perrine suddenly forced her still weak body to stand up as she grabbed Vian's black coat.Vian is foced to embrance Perrine and make sure that Perrine not fall over from staggering feet.

"Perrine" Mio shout,as she walk over towards Perrine,and embrace her.Perrine Looked up towars Vian's eye pleading to him.

Perrine's eye widen in horror.She then fell in Mio's hug,and burried her in major chest,crying her heart out.Mio can onlu hug to comfort her.

Everyone else behind also addened by the scenery.They haven't know Yoshika after such a long time fighting  together with neuroi from Gallia to Berlin, Karsland, then stuck in another dimension and fighting neuroi in that dimension, defeating Burgundy Organization and mass she's 

That evening, was a sad and gloomy evening for 501 Joint Fighter Wing

To be continue...

(Note:new chapter sorry long because yesterday i go to city and evening my wifi has no internet)

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