Chapter Two

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"Wilby! Come on!" Techno ushered his little brothers into a corner of the daycare where they'd been sneaking stuff all day.

Stuff including a cardboard box, a few paper plates and plastic forks, snacks, and two chairs.

Now all they needed was...

"-paghetti!" Tommy announced.

"What?" Techno replied.

"He didn't understand what we were doing so I showed him 'Lady and the Tramp'" Wilbur sighs.

"But we have food?" Techno suggests.

"-PAGHETTI!" Tommy yells.

"Okay, we can probably find some!" Wilbur suggests.

"Wil, we can't buy spaghetti while we're here, we only have our allowance, and I don't think spaghetti costs a dollar," Techno explains.

Tommy's face turns almost as red as his shirt, "-PAGHETTI!"

"Okay!" Wilbur agrees, "we'll find something!"

The boys walk around the daycare, looking for anything that could pacify Tommy's yelling.

"Tom!" A cheery voice yelled.

A boy about Tommy's age in a yellow-and-black striped onesie waddled up to the three.

"Paghetti, tub" Tommy replies, as if in explanation to the boy.

"Who is this, Tommy?" Wilbur asks.

During the day, the kids were sometimes split up by age, Tommy had somehow managed to make it through on his own, and this could be the reason...

"Tub!" Tommy answered.

"Are you Tub?" Wilbur asked.

The little boy shook his head, "tub-oh!"

"Tubbo?" Techno asked.

Tubbo nodded.

"That's a weird name," Techno giggled.

"Your name is Techno," Wilbur points out.

Techno scrunched up his nose, "shut up!"

"Do you know where we can find...paghetti?" Wilbur asks.

Tubbo nods and starts waddling off, the brothers followed.

They eventually landed at the craft table where some of the other kids were making pasta necklaces

Tubbo pointed at a bowl filled with dried pasta.

"It's not spaghetti," Techno points out.

"But Tommy's happy, come on!" Wilbur urged.

All four grabbed handfuls of uncooked pasta and shoved them into their pockets and made their way back to the corner and set the dried pasta on the plates.

"Okay, now we just need Dadza and Mumza!" Techno announces.

"But that'll take houuurs," Wilbur whines.

"We have to! Mumza is with the big kids right now, and Dadza is a work!" Techno confirms.

"Phone!" Tommy yells.

"That's it!" Wilbur snaps his fingers, "we get Dadza here early!"

"How?" Techno asks.

"Hmm, how about we beg Mumza! Dadza always listens to her!" Wilbur suggests.

"She's with the big kids right now!" Techno confirms.

"Tommy?" Wilbur asks.

Tommy nods.

"Scream!" Wilbur suggests.

"Wilby that's not gonna-"

It was too late.

Tommy was yelling at the top of his lungs.

That got Kristin's attention!

"Boys! What's going on?" She rushes over.

"We don't know," Wilbur shrugs, innocently.

"Knife," Techno says, assuming it was a believable lie.

"What knife?" Kristin asks.

Techno shrugs.

"Oh my god," Kristin giggled, "okay, do you want me to call Dadza?"

"Preferably," Techno nods.
The phone had went to voicemail, but as soon as he saw the missed call at the end of the day, Phil had rushed right over, apologizing profusely to Kristin.

"I'm so sorry, I was busy, is everything okay? How are they?"

"Phil, look," Kristin giggled and pointed over to the corner where the boys had been setting up.

Wilbur was playing on a toy cat piano so discordant meows.

Tommy had pieces of paper that had been scribbled on in his hands, indicating that he was the server.

And Techno was standing there, smiling proudly.

"I was wondering what they asked for more snacks for..." she smirked.

Techno approached the two, "Madam and Sir, your table is ready!"

They were seated and were given two paper plates with chips and dry pasta.

Tommy blew a raspberry and gave them each a piece of paper with scribbled words on them, the only one that made any sense was definitely not written by Tommy, it was in orange crayon, reading "Menu."

"Having fun on your date?" Wilbur asked.

Phil couldn't take it anymore, he laughed, and Kristin did, and Tommy did, even though he wasn't quite sure what he was laughing at.

And that was the cutest date they had ever been on

Angel's DaycareOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz